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Our PlanetScope order confirm returns 403 Error NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA.

It seems enough quota remains in dashboard.

Can you please find out what is happening?


“error”: {

“status”: 403,

“reason”: “Forbidden”,

“message”: “Forbidden”,


“errors”: {

“availableQuota”: 0.024785383855487453,

“requiredQuota”: 5.145963596646501




We bring our own account. Please refer the following topic:

I’m trying to make a PlanetScope order request from the SH account, but I got 403 response like:
{“error”:{“status”:403,“reason”:“Forbidden”,“message”:“You do not have sufficient permission for this action. Please contact support.”,“code”:“COMMON_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS”}}
I have paid Planet account and tried with the Planet APIkey.
I also tried the demonstrational example written in without APIkey, but the same…

Hi, we have increased your SH PlanetScope quota, so it should work now.

Please note that for users like you, who have purchased directly from Planet, the quota we set inside SH is somewhat arbitrary and we can increase it on demand.

Hi msterk,

It is working now. Thank you for your support!

I understand that we need to make a request each time we exceed my quota.

Yes, but we have set it high enough that it probably will not happen again.

Hi misterk,

NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA was also found today. The dashboard shows Quota as 1 sq. km for PlanetScope, which is obviously not much. Could you please confirm this?

"error": {
"status": 403,
"reason": "Forbidden",
"message": "Forbidden",
"errors": {
"availableQuota": 1,
"requiredQuota": 1.0934660468461979


sorry about that, ti seems that our configuration was overriden. Can you try again?



Thank you for your support!
