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while doing a PlanetScope data import with @barrett I have mistakenly tried to add the data to a collection of Pleiades data. The quota has been reduced, but the data have not been ingested (apparently due to the different names of bands of PlanetScope and Pleiades data) and are not available (see screenshot).


I have re-ordered the data and imported it in the correct collection. Would it be possible to introduce a check to avoid similar behaviours in the future?

Best regards,


It’s a bit tricky… in such case the quota towards the provider (e.g. Planet) is actually consumed and we are charged for it. The reason for the failure of the order is user’s error, not ours or provider’s.

What we should be able to do though is to check, whether collection fits, before you are allowed to order. Have asked our engineers to put it on the TODO.

I have increased the quota on your account.

In case an error like this (or similar) happens, please let us know, so that we can (try to) correct it.

Many thanks for both the TODO and the quota!
