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PlanetScope data image with gaps lines

  • 26 April 2024
  • 1 reply

We ordered planet images for a particular region via the request builder tool. The AOI was split into multiple PlanetScope tiles So we ordered different segments of tiles so as to cover our whole AOI.

On requesting the third party PlanetScopeData data from sentinel process API for the AOI. We are getting the data but there seems to be a line data gap in the downloaded image.

This is when it was ensured that AOI was getting covered by the respective tiles which can easily be checked while using the requests builder portal.

Any possible solution for this. Is this some processing issue that can be rectified with the Process API ?

Gap Image

rizhou-1.kml (1.9 KB)


the PlanetScope images are provided with cover geometries that are approximate, not exact. Therefore, in certain cases there are pixels within the image’s cover geometry that do not actually have data. Where such pixel is used by your evalscript, you may get gaps in the output.

These pixels have a dataMask value 0, so the gaps can indeed be fixed within the evalscript by using “TILE” mosaicking instead of the default “SIMPLE”. Tile mosaicking will pass input pixels of all the tiles (that match the dataFilter of your Process API) to your evaluatePixel function (and will order them according to the mosaickingOrder, mostRecent by default). To avoid gaps, your evaluatePixel should disregard samples (input pixels) with zero dataMask.

An example evalscript for a gap-less RGB output that simply uses the first valid sample:

function setup() {
return {
input: "B1", "B2", "B3", "dataMask"],
output: { bands: 4 },
mosaicking: "TILE"

const f = 1700;

function evaluatePixel(samples) {
for(var i = 0; i < samples.length; i++) {
if (samplesfi].dataMask) {
//this is a sample with valid data
return samplesni].B3/f, samplesfi].B2/f, samplesfi].B1/f, samplesfi].dataMask];
//if there was no sample with valid data, return a transparent black pixel
return 0, 0, 0, 0]

