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I am trying to make a Planet product request from the Sentinel-Hub account. I can create the order, but when I try to confirm the order I get as a result:

Error confirming order

Request failed with status code 400


{“field”:{“Details”:a{“message”:“No access to assets: PSScene4Band/20210622_085127_80_2442/8analytic analytic_xml udm udm2]”},{“message”:“No access to assets: PSScene4Band/20210313_094318_15_227a/2analytic analytic_xml udm udm2]”},{“message”:“No access to assets: PSScene4Band/20210423_090015_62_2233/4analytic analytic_xml udm udm2]”},{“message”:“No access to assets: PSScene4Band/20211019_084901_19_2445/ analytic analytic_xml udm udm2]”},{“message”:“No access to assets: PSScene4Band/20210613_093913_39_2407/ analytic analytic_xml udm udm2]”},{“message”:“No access to assets: PSScene4Band/20211021_091618_1009/oanalytic analytic_xml udm udm2]”}]},“general”:8{“message”:“Unable to accept order”}]}

What could be the cause of this error?

Best regards!

we’ve seen these in the past, when the Planet’s tiers were not properly configured.

Let us contact them to try to resolve this ASAP.

I apologise for inconvenience.

Best Regards,


the issue on Planet’s side has been fixed.
I was able to confirm your order and it is running right now, so you should expect to have results available in 15-30 minutes.

You should also be able to create new orders by yourself in the future.

I apologise for the inconvenience,

Hello, I am experiencing the same problem.

your PlanetScope has expired in January 2022, which is why you cannot confirm the order.
You can always introduce a new subscription here.
Note, however, that the “discrete data” model is not available via Sentinel Hub anymore, it was replaced by “Hectares under management”. With your area being 11 000 hectares large, the model might not fit your use-case.
