I purchased a Planet Scope package through Sentinel Hub and am following the example code to try to download some images. I can successfully retrieve a list of scenes using the search API endpoint, and can create an order using the orders API endpoint. However, when I try to confirm the order, I get the following error:
{"error":{"status":400,"reason":"Bad Request","message":"{\"field\":null,\"general\":[{\"message\":\"Unable to accept order: Your organization does not have permission to run the 'clip' tool\"}]}\n","code":"COMMON_BAD_PAYLOAD"}}
I think my code is the same as the example code except I changed the polygon coordinates and the date range.
I tried looking up Planet’s “clip tool”, and found an article from 2018 describing a new feature by that name that it says is available to all users. But I also found another article from just a month ago (28 July 2020) saying that clipping is only available to Preferred and Premium users (with Preferred having to pay for a minimum of 100 km^2 per scene and Premium a minimum of 0.01 km^2 per scene); it also says that “New quota download plans will take effect” in September 2020, so maybe this error has to do with something that just changed in the past day? I had not tried using it before today so I don’t know. I don’t know whether the Planet plan provided by Sentinel Hub is one of the standard ones described in that article (Starter, Preferred, Premium) or some special kind.