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Our account has made orders for images but the status is at CREATED and not changed to DONE. On our end, we don’t receive Planet images for the orders that we have created. Please can you advise why the images are not being processed. We see this in our Dashboard → 3rd party data import.


when confirming the order, you will see the following error:

"error": {
"status": 401,
"reason": "Unauthorized",
"message": "Invalid api-key.",

Last successful order was done on September 14th and looking at that one, I see it has the Planet API, which is valid also today.

Can you please use the same API key as in order 8f47cdb0-754a-MASKED and try again?



Thanks for the suggestion. We have corrected and downloaded images, but still one order has not processed yet. Please find the below order number for your reference.


this is a separate issue. It seems that Planet did not deliver one of the items of the order. You can find details by going to the Dashboard:
(also available via API)

And you will notice that one item (20210902_075006_1038) timed-out.
In such cases it is best to try to order the missing item once again, separately. If it fails again, there is probably a permanent issue with this product and it is not possible to retrieve it.

Hi ,

Thanks for finding out the problem with the order( =e319f63f-ddf2-40d0-b957-0c263ca64ed1. I would like to know is it possible to cancel the problematic item from your end so the entire order can be processed by excluding it (6f274e53-1fc2-4be4-8afd-c1bc4c8e8472 - 20210902_075006_1038).

Thanks & Regards


can you elaborate a bit more on what is your issue? I mean, the rest of the deliveries have been processed and are available for you to use. This will happen always when the order finishes with PARTIAL state.



We are downloading the images based on order id and status. Because of that, we are unable to download images for this specific order due to one of the underlying item status is either pending or failed so the whole order status showing as pending from API end. If you can delete the problematic item from this order, so order status will change from failed or pending to done. Hence, we can download images for this order. isn’t that works?


the order has status “PARTIAL”, which means that the order has finished with processing - a valid state, which should be taken into account by your script. You should therefore change your process and download data both for “DONE” and “PARTIAL”.
And for PARTIAL orders you should only download deliveries (dates?) that are “DONE” (and not “FAILED”).


I think that works. Thanks
