Firstly, I apologise if this is a duplicate post.
I have run the Optical Water Level Extraction Example Notebook from the Sentinel Github Repo and have received the following error message on cell 6;
“measurement = extract_surface_water_area_per_frame(42, nominal_outline, the_dam_bbox, date, resx, resy)”
- ValueError: Instance ID is not set. Set it either in request initialization or in configuration file. Check http://sentinelhub-py.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configure.html for more info.*
From this, I understand that we need to input the instance id (which is obtained by simply signing up to sentinel hub - and I have an id) I just can’t see where to input this ID within the code?
I have loaded the correct packages and .py scripts and have not edited the notebook in anyway.
Please can someone assist?