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Firstly, I apologise if this is a duplicate post.

I have run the Optical Water Level Extraction Example Notebook from the Sentinel Github Repo and have received the following error message on cell 6;

“measurement = extract_surface_water_area_per_frame(42, nominal_outline, the_dam_bbox, date, resx, resy)”

From this, I understand that we need to input the instance id (which is obtained by simply signing up to sentinel hub - and I have an id) I just can’t see where to input this ID within the code?

I have loaded the correct packages and .py scripts and have not edited the notebook in anyway.

Please can someone assist?



Hi Tom,

You can set the instance ID from the command line as stated in this documentation.

Otherwise you can add a variable INSTANCE_ID=<your_instance_id> into the module, and add the instance_id=INSTANCE_ID parameter to the WcsRequest and WmsRequest calls in the module.

I suggest you look at these examples to understand how the instance ID work.

Hi Devis,

Thank you for your response and that was exactly what I was looking for. I presumed a code snippet would need appending but the command line tool is much simpler!

Despite following the instructions for using the command line tool (which I’d prefer) and this was not recognised. I had to manually adjust the as you suggested.

It might be worth pushing my notebook with further comments regarding setup for others who like me, are not familiar with this service.


