On experimenting with HLS data recently I was expecting to get valid data produced in HLS for each valid capture of LANDSAT & SENTINEL data. But it is not the case, On multiple cloud free days HLS dataset for my AOI is not having valid pixels.
Gijon_FU.kml (702 Bytes)
One such date Instances where HLS download images comes out complete blank and no data shown eo-browser is 2019-03-31 (See corresponding Sentinel 2 constellation data available).
I downloaded HLS image for this date but it is all masked.
QGIS capture showing all complete black image.
EvalScript Used
function setup() {
return {
input: [{
bands: ["Red", "Green", "Blue", "NIR_Narrow", "SWIR1", "QA", "dataMask"], // this sets which bands to use
units: "DN"
output: {
bands: 7,
sampleType: "UINT16" // raster format will be UINT16
function evaluatePixel(sample) {
return [sample.Red, sample.Green, sample.Blue, sample.NIR_Narrow, sample.SWIR1, sample.QA, sample.dataMask];
I tried downloading HLS data with cloud filters but on my AOI I am getting 50% of the images as invalid having no valid pixels? What could be the reason behind these instances?