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Hi all, I noticed that a specific scene didn’t receive any imagery for the last 2 weeks. I’ve checked SciHub and saw that it is available from there.

Would it be possible to look into these scenes?


in the last few days there is an interruption of the OpenHub service, which is used as a main source. It started on 31st of August in the morning (, when it was fully unavailable. Afterwards OpenHub was working, but too slow to ingest all the data. We have notified ESA Support and they confirmed they know about the issue and are working on it. We do notice sporadic improvements in the last couple of hours so I hope things will get resolved soon.

We will also check, whether there are some other problems with these two specific products.

Thanks. That would explain imagery not coming through for the last few days, however, I noticed this, or a similar problem occurred from around the 20th of July.

I’m also not sure it’s a concentrated regional problem as I picked up other scenes not coming through from a similar date.

Do you know of any news around this earlier date?

You are probably referring to this problem:

I checked the product S2B_MSIL1C_20180720T081559_N0206_R121_T34HBH_20180720T120651, which was indeed ingested with one day delay.

Cool, thanks for pointing me to it.

What does it mean for delivery on this product? Has it already been ingested and available again? If so what would the reason be for not being able to fetch the data?

Regarding the first 2 products, I assume we just need to be patient and wait for the data to be ingested again.

For "this product’ you are referring to 20th of July image? This one should be available from 21st of July onward. If this is not the case, please give us an example of the request URL (with instance ID masked) so that we check, what is the reason for that.

For the initial 2 products you are right - some patience is required for OpenHub to go back to normal and then a day or so to get all the old data. I would expect this to happen soon. The newest products will come first.

We are in parallel working to find options on how to go around this issue to speed up ingestion as much as possible.

Yes, that’s right, I was referring to 20 July. Here’s a request URL:{instance-id}?CRS=CRS%3A84&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&REQUEST=GetMap&HEIGHT=326&WIDTH=359&transparent=True&LAYERS=NDVI-LATE&service=WMS&BGCOLOR=FFFFFF&GEOMETRY=POLYGON((18.7213+-33.7422%2C+18.736+-33.7363%2C+18.741+-33.7373%2C+18.7414+-33.7399%2C+18.7407+-33.74%2C+18.7409+-33.7407%2C+18.7413+-33.7443%2C+18.7418+-33.7455%2C+18.743+-33.7454%2C+18.7434+-33.7469%2C+18.7436+-33.7473%2C+18.7446+-33.7484%2C+18.7449+-33.7483%2C+18.7436+-33.747%2C+18.7439+-33.7468%2C+18.7434+-33.7457%2C+18.7439+-33.7456%2C+18.7442+-33.7446%2C+18.7434+-33.7438%2C+18.7429+-33.7431%2C+18.7428+-33.742%2C+18.742+-33.7393%2C+18.7422+-33.7376%2C+18.7426+-33.7374%2C+18.743+-33.7359%2C+18.743+-33.7344%2C+18.7444+-33.735%2C+18.7445+-33.7342%2C+18.7457+-33.7339%2C+18.7457+-33.7332%2C+18.7503+-33.7365%2C+18.7494+-33.7407%2C+18.7528+-33.7446%2C+18.7522+-33.7451%2C+18.753+-33.7465%2C+18.7538+-33.7471%2C+18.7544+-33.7475%2C+18.7549+-33.7481%2C+18.7559+-33.7484%2C+18.7576+-33.7502%2C+18.7578+-33.7509%2C+18.7583+-33.7515%2C+18.7585+-33.7521%2C+18.7594+-33.7529%2C+18.7601+-33.7533%2C+18.7541+-33.757%2C+18.7526+-33.7579%2C+18.7523+-33.7573%2C+18.7522+-33.7569%2C+18.7519+-33.7565%2C+18.7515+-33.7565%2C+18.7512+-33.7563%2C+18.7501+-33.7565%2C+18.7497+-33.7557%2C+18.7501+-33.755%2C+18.7496+-33.7535%2C+18.7483+-33.7515%2C+18.7476+-33.7509%2C+18.7473+-33.7507%2C+18.747+-33.75%2C+18.7467+-33.7496%2C+18.7467+-33.7493%2C+18.7459+-33.7489%2C+18.7452+-33.7483%2C+18.7467+-33.7503%2C+18.747+-33.751%2C+18.7476+-33.7517%2C+18.7479+-33.7522%2C+18.7483+-33.7527%2C+18.7484+-33.7532%2C+18.7488+-33.7538%2C+18.7487+-33.7544%2C+18.7453+-33.7564%2C+18.7452+-33.7559%2C+18.7452+-33.7556%2C+18.7451+-33.7553%2C+18.7447+-33.7552%2C+18.7443+-33.7554%2C+18.7449+-33.7561%2C+18.7452+-33.756%2C+18.7453+-33.7564%2C+18.7441+-33.7572%2C+18.7446+-33.7579%2C+18.7418+-33.7594%2C+18.7404+-33.7567%2C+18.7399+-33.7566%2C+18.7397+-33.758%2C+18.739+-33.7578%2C+18.7388+-33.7586%2C+18.7396+-33.7588%2C+18.7382+-33.7625%2C+18.7333+-33.7563%2C+18.7346+-33.7554%2C+18.7355+-33.7557%2C+18.7379+-33.755%2C+18.738+-33.7553%2C+18.7385+-33.7553%2C+18.739+-33.7545%2C+18.7388+-33.7542%2C+18.7383+-33.7545%2C+18.7379+-33.755%2C+18.7355+-33.7557%2C+18.7347+-33.7545%2C+18.7336+-33.7548%2C+18.7335+-33.7554%2C+18.7331+-33.7553%2C+18.7325+-33.7548%2C+18.7313+-33.7536%2C+18.7312+-33.7533%2C+18.7337+-33.7504%2C+18.7339+-33.7509%2C+18.7343+-33.7509%2C+18.7348+-33.7511%2C+18.7356+-33.7504%2C+18.7353+-33.7497%2C+18.735+-33.7493%2C+18.7344+-33.7494%2C+18.7342+-33.75%2C+18.7337+-33.7504%2C+18.7312+-33.7533%2C+18.7293+-33.7511%2C+18.7226+-33.7436%2C+18.7213+-33.7422))&SRS=EPSG%3A4326&MAXCC=100.0&showLogo=False&version=1.1.1&TIME=2018-07-20

I have picked up a few others as well, but I have a feeling that if we can get to the bottom of this one, the others might also be resolved.

Hmm, but this one specifically works for me. What seems to be the problem?

BTW: if you want to be sure you imagery from 2018-07-20, you need to set TIME=2018-07-20/2018-07-20 (FROM/TO).

As you have set the parameter, you will get “best possible image between start of time and 2018-07-20”.

Yes, that is correct, 20 July does have imagery, but no imagery for 25 July.
