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I wish to receive an NDVI image of specific area at a known date with no clouds from API.

I thought of creating a new layer and configure it to show cloud data (as described in the Frequently Asked Questions). So the output of the service will give you array of all dates along with mean value of “cloud” for each of the dates. Mean value “0” means there are no clouds, “1” fully covered, “0.7” 70% covered.

From the output I will ask for the specific image (GetMap) by inserting TIME=_last clear date_ and PRIORITY=mostRecent and MAXCC=100 .

Will this provide me the specific image I want?

Yes, it should do.

To be 100% certain that you get an image on specific date, you should set TIME=FROM/TO, e.g.

TIME=last clear date/last clear date

If you only set TIME=last clear date, this will be interpreted as period from “beginning of satellite mission” to “last clear date” (PRIORITY=mostRecent will ensure that you get last available image fitting cloud coverage criteria)
