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When I make batch api requests for a specific bounding box, Sentinel returns tiles in the sequence: 54KYA_7_1.tif, 54KYA_7_2.tif or 54KYA_8_1.tif, 54KYA_8_2.tif etc.

I’m requesting tiles in UTM 10km grid at 10m spatial resolution. Now, I assume 54 is the UTM zone. What does KYA_7_1 for instance represent? Is there a pattern Sentinel uses to name tiles?


The 54KYA is Sentinel-2 Tiling ID which can be found in the naming convention. You can also download the Sentinel-2 tiling grid kml here. 54 indicates the UTM zone as you mentioned.

Since the Sentinel-2 tile is 100km x 100km, it can be separated into 100 Sentinel Hub 10km grid tiles and the number 7_1 indicates the row and column of the tile. If you’re interested in the grid you can download it here.

Thanks. This has been helpful. I have downloaded the kml file and loaded it to Qgis but it’s not displaying. I was thinking of clipping it to my country of interest and using it. Why is it not displaying in qgis?


You could try the KML Tools plugin. This should help display KML file in QGIS.


Thanks. I’m able to display them now.
