I registered on the EO Browser and downloaded a S2 analytical image for a poly. I’ve few questions…
- Can I upload multiple disconnected polys to get their clipped images? So how will it play out if the polys and S2 images span multiple UTM zones?
- Can I customize with a script to download a time-series of different image types (L8, S2, MODIS)? Ideally, I want to use a script and upload multi-part polys to download multiple analytical image types over a time range (think like download L8, S2, MODIS images of NIR, NDVI, NDWI, true color, false color for US, Canada, India, UK, Australia for Apr-Oct 2014-2017).
- Is it possible to customize the names of downloaded clip images?
- I noticed that my downloaded S2 clip wasn’t exactly 10x10 m2, why is that?
- What do 3 bands of the analytical NDVI mean?
- If I download “analytical” true and false color images, are these composites made from 32-bit bands? As these composites are purely for visual purposes, how I can I specify just the true and false color image downloads as “visual”.
- Is there pansharp false color for Landsat-8?
- How to get MODIS NDVI?