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Hi all,

I seems that there is no MODIS data for August 2019 available.

Neither in SentinelHub playground, nor in FIS or WMS web services.

Is there a reason for this or did I miss something ?

Thank you,

Unfortunately there seems to be an ingestion issue from NASA to AWS. We have reported the problem to them and are waiting for resolution.

We will update you, when we find out something more specific.

Hello Grega,

Any news on this ?


Not yet unfortunately. It seems the “curator” of MODIS data on AWS is in the limbo at the moment… But pushing.

Hi Grega,

I imagine that you have no news for it ?

Thank you,

We were told (last week) that someone is looking into it so we are hoping for a solution soon. But no ETA yet unfortunately.


Did they finally give you an estimated date ?

Thank you,

No, not yet. Sorry about that. I

Hi Grega,

I imagine that AWS still not digest MODIS data ?

Any news ?

Thank you,

There actually is news - a new MODIS datasource is available on AWS and we are working to change to that. So the ligth is at the end of the tunnel and I hope it will not take more than a low number of weeks. Will keep you posted.

Hi Grega,

Do you have any schedule on when this data set will be available ?


Hi Grega,

Any new on MODIS rebirth ?

Thank you,

I cannot commit to anything as it is difficult to predict all the problems on the way, but we are working on it at this moment.

Will let you know as soon as it is available.

Working on it at the moment, in final stages, e.g. error fixing etc. If we do not manage to do it int he next few days, it should certainly be in the very beginning of 2020.

Hi Grega,

Is there a Christmas present ?

Have an happy Xmas break !

Nah, not yet unfortunately. We hit some blocks, which we are trying to work around. Will let you know as soon as available.

Hi @ibisa - you can already observe the update on the MODIS data. The situation is not yet fully stable in terms of future updates, but I think we are getting there.

Christmas present !!

Thank you Grega, and the Sinergise team.

And Happy New Year to all of you.

With 18 years of daily data it is possible to build quite cool animations like this one of the disappearing Aral Sea:


Hi Grega,

I have some troubles with the FIS API. I always receive a " 504 Gateway Time-out", even with request that was working before.

Here is an example :,78.4319615481191,1973.1056284518809,78.4434184518809&MAXCC=0&BINS=32

I tried to change the instance ID, the resolution, the date or the bins parameter. It do no work really better.

NDVI-VALUE is define like here : BINS parameter limit in FIS API

Any idea ?

Try shorter time ranges… 5 years of daily MODIS data is 1.500 requests… it takes a while to process all of this. I tried with one year and it worked without a problem.

This is not very practical for us but we will have to update our platform to accommodate this

Having that said, having 13 years more of historical data is really cool !! 🥳

We now have data since 1 January 2000 ?

I believe it is from December 2000.
