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Apparently, a missing scene is available in the core bucket sentinel-s2-l2a but not through the catalog API.

The scene is S2B_MSIL2A_20220820T141719_N0400_R010_T20HKK_20220820T182018

and it’s available at s3://sentinel-s2-l2a/tiles/20/H/KK/2022/8/20/ but is not available at Sentinel Hub.

Is there a reason why?

Thanks, Luc

ESA did not yet publish L1C product for this specific scene, which is a prerequisite for inclusion in our catalog (with obvious assumption that one first needs L1C to create L2A).

Once L1C will become available, L2A product will be there as well.

Oh! I see!

Thanks for the clarification… Is it common that some scenes are delayed in the ESA pipeline?

No, not at all. It’s very rare.

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