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I recently ordered some Sentinel 1 images using the batch processing API and it appears there is a small strip where there were no available images between 2021-05-15 and 2021-07-08. There were images available for this area for the same period in 2020.

The image is a screenshot from the EO browser showing the available images for a large area in the United States. There are images available starting in the southern US that appear to be in the same orbit.

Is it possible that no images were collected here? Or were they collected and not added to the S3 archive? Any suggestions for tracing to the root cause are appreciated!

It is indeed possible, we have noticed this in other places as well. I do not know the reason for that, though, you might get it from (if you do get it, we would be interested to hear it).

I checked at the source, SciHub, same:
