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SentinelHub team, hi,

in you EO-learn tutorial LULC example (LULC = land use / land cover) as a reference land cover layer a shapefile is used. Can you provide also an example in which the reference land cover layer is a raster (Note: As it is common case, such raster layer is usually much bigger than the AOI).

Regards and all the best for 2019!

Just to add one sentence more: I am able to add reference land use (i.e. LULC feature) into the EOPatch via the “dirty” programming. However I am not able to add LULC feature via the super-duper eo-learn style - all my attempts resulted in various errors somewhere in lower levels of the eo-learn code.


Nice idea. Will add it to our “to-do”, although pull requests appreciated 🙂

