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Hi! I want to share my script in EO Browser to participate in the Sentinel Hub Contest 2022. How can I do it? My script works in particular area, can I share my script and clip to this particular ROI?



To participate the Contest please follow the instruction page. You will need to fill out the forms available at the Submission section.

Best Regards


thanks for your response. At this google forms there is an item named: Visualisation in EO Browser
Share a link to a working script in EO Browser. I dont know how to generate this link to make my script permanently available from EO Browser.

Thank you very much, regards!

Hi Fernando,

Here’s the instruction:

  1. Select the data collection(s) and time period and then click Search.

  2. Randomly pick one result.

  3. Clike Custom on the lower left.

  4. Click Custom script.

  5. Paste your script to the code editor.

  6. When the visualisation looks good to you, click the share symbol in the yellow square.

Now you’ll have a sharable link in EO Browser!

Best Regards


Thanks for your answer. When I paste my script I dont have any response from EO Browser.
My script works within a time span, at particular images and dates. Is a multitemporal script, and fixed to a particular ROI.

I can see that into Request Builder, it is perfectly working and I can see the images processed at my ROI and using the particular images specified by the dates of my interest.

Is this behaviour correct for some reason?



No, if it works with Request Builder it should also work with EO Browser. Would you mind trying it again and making sure that all the settings are on EO Browser are the same as Request Builder, i.e., data collections, time range, ROI?

Please let me know if it is still not working.

Best Regards


To set the time range for the multi-temporal script, you need to click Timespan highlighted in the figure below, which is the 3rd step of my reply with screenshot above.

After clicking the Timespan, set the time for From and Until and click Apply. Then you’ll be able to visualise the aggregated result of your multi-temporal script.



Best Regards


Thanks for your support. I set the time range to a time span with limits greater than the images dates of my interest, in the same way that I do in the Request Builder but nothing happens. The postprocess image doesnt appears.

I send a screenshot of my GUI at this moment. May be I am doing something wrong, but I dont know what 🙂

I can send to you the script if you need it.



Yes please. From your screenshot it seems that there’s an error related to the script.

Best Regards
