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I implemented the following script but it return “Layer NDVI-VALUE Not Found”. Is there something wrong with the code? Or does it mean there are no NDVI values available over this time period?,5586056.25,1547498.69,5584861.92&RESOLUTION=10&MAXCC=10

Dear @ed6543,

it looks to me as if you didn’t use a correct {INSTANCE_ID} in your request (the 20d4447c-MASKED par). You get the {INSTANCE_ID} from the dashboard in the configuration utility.

For the request to work correctly you need to have a layer set up in the instance you use which returns the NDVI and which has the exact ID specified in your request NDVI-VALUE. Judging from the error message you got this layer does not exist.

I tried the request with the steps in mind described above (on S2L1C - data) and got results so there is data available for your period. I hope that helps!



If you didn’t already see our documentation on FIS requests it might also be worth checking them out here.



Dear @dthiex ,

Thanks for your quick response. I inserted MASKED in the INSTANCE_ID on purpose but I did use a complete INSTANCE_ID.

You also wrote: “I tried the request with the steps in mind described above (on S2L1C - data) and got results so there is data available for your period.”

Can you please share exactly what you requested, and the results, so I can compare against my request?

What I am trying to achieve is extract the NDVI value only from a particular time period at a certain location.



Hi Ed,

as Daniel mentioned, the problem is that in your configuration ( [20d4447c-MASKED) there is NDVI-VALUE layer missing.

Go to Configuration utility, enter this configuration and add it.


