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Is it possible to use batch processing with other bucket providers?

Such as google for example?

For the moment Batch can only deliver data to the bucket at the same cloud/region, where it is deployed (i.e. for Sentinel data to AWS eu-central-1, for Landsat AWS us-west-2, etc.).

This is due to ensuring performance and stability.

We are working to expand our reach to other clouds as well, so we hope it will soon be possible to run Batch on GCP and Azure as well.

Can you share more details about the potential possibility of running Batch on GCP or Azure? Is it a matter of weeks or months?

We are pretty confident that we will have SH running on GCP by end of the year.
If you are mostly interested in delivering data to GCP, we can probably find some workarounds beforehand, as long as your use-case is large enough to justify it. Can you share some more info on your needs? If you do not want to share it publicly, you can send us an e-mail.


I’m exploring possible solutions for my client. The best one in our case seems to be Batch Processing API but we are looking for the best way to use Azure storage.
