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We need information about the area of the clouds and the area of the shadows of the clouds in a unit 512x512 pixels. How can I get this information through the api?

Information about clouds and shadows from clouds is contained in the scene lists of the unit image. How to get to values and parameters of unit layers via api?

Thank you for your help, Marat


if I understand correctly, you need just statistical information about the area of clouds/shadows?
I suggest you use process API’s “updateOutputMetadata” function as described in Top 6 here:

360db83263e79cba7951e7ba15aa4495131aa0f1.pngMedium – 15 Jun 21


Custom scripts: faster, cheaper, better!

15 tips for better scripts and more responsive requests

Reading time: 7 min read


Use Sentinel-2 L2A data source and its SCL band (for clouds and shadows) and CLM (for clouds), see:


Sentinel-2 L2A

Use Sentinel Hub Processing API to access atmospherically corrected Sentinel-2 L2A data with 13 spectral bands.

