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I am trying to get a list of images to display with WFS to offer users dates to pick and then request via WMS. However, I must be missing something because WFS says there are images on days where there is full cloud cover. I’ve seen this other topic but my issue seems different (my CC settings are at 100%).

The WFS request:{instance_id}/?SERVICE=WFS&REQUEST=GetFeature&TYPENAMES=DSS1&srsName=EPSG:4326&BBOX=24.158889,43.739479,24.201141,43.770365

The result (only dates of interest) is below. Note that on 2022-05-18, the region of interest is covered in clouds (at least when I look on EO Browser, I can post screenshots if you need it), however the WFS returns cloudCoverPercentage=0. Note also that that image is from S2B and the time-adjacent ones are S2A (not sure if it’s related).

<gml:Box srsName='urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326'>
23.409418550802584,43.02776041998567 24.410804785425874,44.11710577676743
<mbr>300000,2590200 409800,2700000</mbr>
<gml:MultiPolygon srsName='urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326'>
24.400572094005753,43.02776041998567 23.409418550802584,43.042747299960745 23.419185988386648,44.11710577676743 24.410804785425874,44.110341127863464 24.400572094005753,43.02776041998567
<gml:Box srsName='urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326'>
23.409418550802584,43.02776041998567 24.410804785425874,44.11710577676743
<mbr>300000,2590200 409800,2700000</mbr>
<gml:MultiPolygon srsName='urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326'>
24.400572094005753,43.02776041998567 23.409418550802584,43.042747299960745 23.419185988386648,44.11710577676743 24.410804785425874,44.110341127863464 24.400572094005753,43.02776041998567
<gml:Box srsName='urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326'>
23.409418550802584,43.02776041998567 24.410804785425874,44.11710577676743
<mbr>300000,2590200 409800,2700000</mbr>
<gml:MultiPolygon srsName='urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326'>
24.400572094005753,43.02776041998567 23.409418550802584,43.042747299960745 23.419185988386648,44.11710577676743 24.410804785425874,44.110341127863464 24.400572094005753,43.02776041998567

I set one of my indices, MOISTURE_INDEX, to cloud cover = 100%, mosaic = most recent. Then I get an image full of clouds (as in EO Browser) for the region of interest. If I set the cloud cover to 20%, I get the image from 2022-15-03 (as expected when there are clouds on 2022-05-18).

I’ve also tried passing the parameter “MAXCC=20” to the WFS request, and it still returns the image on 2022-05-18.

Everything seems consistent in WMS, but the WFS returns cloud cover of 0% for 2022-05-18. Any idea why? Am I missing some setting? Thanks!

Might it be related to order of coordinates, a well known confusion in different version of OGC interfaces?


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