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Hello, to whole SH fellows!

May I ask, does anybody knows is it possible, or how to set a particular ‘Relative Orbit Number’ of a Sentinel-1 orbit SAR data acquisition, at the Request cURL script in Request Builder ?

The motivation is to process a time series of particular Rel.Orb.Num - 80, in my case, which is DESCENDING orbit.

Thank You in advance!

Best Regards,


Hi @zlatomir.d.dimitrov ,

Unfortunately, relative orbit number is not included in the dataFilter schema (for more details please refer to the API reference) at the moment.

A work around would be using the Catalog API to find out the tiles you’re interested in, i.e., tiles with specific relative orbit number, and then processing these tiles only in the evalscript by checking the tileOriginalId in the scenes object.

Hi, Chung!

Okay, will try it out and will write.

Thank You for your suggestion!

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