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Recently I have purchased Airbus imagery.

I would like to explore the possibility to use atmospheric correction in order to convert them from TOA to surface reflectance.

In order to do that I would like to know if it’s possible to get the following data:

  1. Airbus image in radiance units - is it possible to get it if I have purchased the images already? is this option is actually exists?

  2. image metadata such as : target altitude, solar zenith angle, view zenith angle etc.


To answer you questions:

  1. No it is not possible to atmospherically correct the purchased Airbus imagery.
  2. However, you can access the image metadata by downloading the original product. I’m sure you already know how to do this, but in case not, the docs on doing this can be found here.

Hope that this information helps you out 🙂

so that means I should re-download the data right?

Correct, you will have access to the metadata you need in the original data 👍
