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We found an image cut off in our system which sometimes it happens if we ingest it as soon as it is available because it’s still processing, but this is not the case.

For this case even now if we go to Request Builder or EO Browser we still see the image cut off:

If we go to the EO Browser, we see this:

Based on this scene, it makes sense that the image is cut off, but we then went and check for it in Copernicus directly and we found that there are two scenes, one is exactly the same:

But then there’s another one which covers the whole AOI:

We are not sure if this is an error from Sentinel Hub or not. Or if we need to query differently for that AOI in the Request Builder? Or do anything else?


Hi @minian.matias ,

Thank you for reporting. We’re working on fixing the missing tile and will get back to you as soon as possible.

Best Regards
