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On 7th of August 2018 AWS Sentinel-2 L1C bucket will be configured as Requester pays.

To ensure continuous support of various Sentinel-2 browsers we have implemented a service, which will provide permanent access to the following meta-data:

One can also list

Update 2018-08-06 - the date was wrongly listed as 2019. We corrected it to 2018. As it was always stated that things will happen in 2018, we hope that readers got the right info.

Can you try one more time? Thanks.

I can access to metadata.xml now!!

Many thanks for your great work.

metadata.xml is working now. Thanks!

Hello everydbody.

I have access to metadata.xml but I need also, as before the requester pays changes, the access to product metadata.xml.

I trying to access via AWS CLI but the results is this:

aws s3 cp s3://sentinel-s2-l1c/tiles/32/T/QM/2018/9/8/0/productmetadata.xml C:\Users\User\Desktop\prova\productmetadata.xml --region eu-central-1 --request-payer requester

fatal error: An error occurred (404) when calling the HeadObject operation: Key “tiles/32/T/QM/2018/9/8/0/productmetadata.xml” does not exist

Does anybody know where the product metadata is?


metadata for your tile is here:

Metadata files are not in requester pays buckets

No, I am not looking for the metadata.xml, I am looking for the file productmetadata.xml, which is different because it contains (better, It was containing before the requester aws changes) all the radiometric informations about bands and much more.

It was locate, before the pays changes, here: (it an example…)

anybody can help me?

thanks you a lot

Are you maybe referring to this file:


productmetadata.xml doesn’t ring a bell to me

Dear rksoir!

Yes, Here i find the data that interest me, that are solar irradiance values, quantification value, physical gain etc…So thank you! I am very happy.

But, before the request changes, I was downloading very small size productmetadata.xml with the values i need…

But at moment it is ok, I hope. Thank you!

Are you referring to productInfo.json file? This is available also now. There was never “productmetadata.xml” file available on AWS.

Dear all,

I was looking for to this product (here there’s an image of Sentinel Esa Products Guide)

and, on this product I was interested in these values (quantification values, solar irradiance…)

I’m sorry, the name “productmetadata.xml” was only a rename that I used. Sorry.

Anyway, the product I was looking for it is the one in the last screenshot image.

Dear all,

I think at the moment I am ok. Changing the url strip, I was able to find the metdata.xml I was looking for. s3://sentinel-s2-l1c/products/2018/9/8/S2B_MSIL1C_20180908T100019_N0206_R122_T32TQM_20180908T135059/metadata.xml

Thanks to all for your great help.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Sentinel s2 l1c - 502 error by cloudfront - Unable to access meta-files and preview image from http

I am happy that you provide permanent open access to the Sentinel-2 L1C meta-data as announced above.

Indeed I use your json url interface to check for product availability. By and large it works fine.

However, there are rare cases when roda. sentinel-hub. com responds no product (KeyCount: 0) when there is actual product on the official Copernicus sci-hub.


(at Copernicus sci-hub the quicklook when download is called:


Q: if I supply a list of such missing items would it possible for their meta-data to be restored to roda. sentinel-hub .com ?


G Brelstaff CRS4 Sardinia

Hi @gjb.crs4,

we will look into it but I cannot promise, when this will happen. We are spending significant resources to have the data synced at all so these kind of rare problems are of lower priority, especially if related to the old data.
