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I am a researcher in University of New South Wales. I have planet insight subscription and have linked my account to Sentinel hub through Planet insight platform. I am not able to access ARPS ( Analysis ready Planet scope) dataset for my analysis. The sentinel hub dashboard shows me that I am on trial and Also, under the plans it shows me Import of commercial/third-party data into Sentinel Hub is only available to subscribed Sentinel Hub users. So can you please let me know whether I can access ARPS images for my dataset ( Commercial dataset) or I need to subscribed to sentinel hub separately, as I have already subscribed to Planet scope. . 


Hi ​@S.shagun -


If you already have a subscription to PlanetScope or Analysis-Ready PlanetScope, the next step to use that data is to order that data with the Orders or Subscriptions APIs.  Analysis-Ready PlanetScope is supported in the Subscriptions API, but if you are working with PlanetScope scenes, you can use the Orders API. You can find documentation here: Subscriptions API - Sentinel Hub Delivery.


As you’ve noted, the account you displayed here is on the trial.  If you do have an active Sentinel Hub subscription which should be associated with your account, or if you need to purchase one, you should get in contact with either your sales representative, customer success manager, or reach out to Planet Technical Support. Sentinel Hub is a separate product from PlanetScope data and is not automatically included. 
