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I’m a bit confused regarding to how the PU limit per month works (and, as consequence, how the refill too).

My doubt is:

For instance: if my current account has 30k PUs per month, when I look into dashboard, it appears like:

30 000 processing units per 31 days.

xs between refills.

If I make some requests, this number decreases but, after refills, the number back to 30k.

My doubt is: The refill will stop when I achieve 30k PUs in the period (31 days?) ?

Will my billing increase if I make more requests?

Where can I find information about it?


Your current account includes 30000 PU per month.

This means when you run out of available PU you have multiple options:

  • Wait for the refill
  • Upgrade your account to one with more PU included
  • Purchase additional PU as per Pricing

We will not bill you anything when you hit the limit.

Best regards
