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Apologies if this has already been answered, but I couldn’t find clear documentation whether the data on Sentinel AWS after 2022 change of processing baseline to 4.0 is harmonized or not? In other words, should I always subtract 1000 for all the band values to be consistent with prior baselines? The SentinelHub API seems to support harmonizeValues flag, but I want to make sure that the raw data I download from the S3 bucket has not been harmonized and this post-processing is necessary for both L1C and L2A.

The reason I am unsure is because some of the L2A band values for B02 seem to be between 0-1000 (e.g., s3://sentinel-s2-l2a/tiles/28/Q/ED/2022/10/26/0/R10m/B02.jp2). By removing 1000, the numbers become negative which seems incorrect.

The data on RODA bucket are original data and don’t include any additional processing or harmonization.

Thank you. Could you explain why there would still be numbers between 0-1000 in the L2A data in the example I mentioned above?

I suggest you contact Copernicus support related to this question
