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new user to sentinel-hub here. Just wondering what the best way to extract a eopatch feature to tiff is. My array is shaped:

GVMI: numpy.ndarray(shape=(32, 1057, 1860, 1), dtype=float32)

and I want to iterate though all 32 time slices to produce tiffs

I tried ExportToTiff from eolearn-io with no luck (should I be using rasterio?)

for x in range(1, 1, 32): _

_ ExportToTiff(['GVMI],folder=aoiDir2,band_indices=[0];date_indices=[x])

Probably messing something simple up somewhere. Any suggestions would be great.



Try ExportToTiff

export_tiff = ExportToTiff((FeatureType.MASK_TIMELESS, ‘LBL_GBM’))

Did you solve this issue?


for x in range(len(aoi_1.timestamp)): 
task = ExportToTiff((FeatureType.Data, 'GVMI'), folder=aoiDir2, band_indices=[0], date_indices=[x])
task.execute(aoi_1, filename=f'name_of_tiff_{x}.tiff')
