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Hi! I would like to know if there’s a deadline to discontinue de FIS services.

We heavily rely on these on a daily basis and need to plan the migration to Statistics API…

FIS is deprecated, but still operationally maintained and will remain so for the foreseeable future. We do not have any specific date yet set for sunsetting it. It will for sure not happen in the next six months. Once we do decide to do so, we will inform our users well in advance, to give sufficient time for migration.
That said, we would kindly suggest you check Statistical API as it provides everything as FIS, plus more.


We’re already testing the Statistical API.

Hi there! Me again… is this the channel to inform the users about killing this service? Or by mail perhaps?



we don’t have any timeline yet to fully discontinue the FIS service. For the moment the status is the same as it was in March - we strongly recommend users to transfer their workflows to Statistical API as it is better - functionality and stability wise.

Once we do decide to retire the FIS, we will send notification to all our users by e-mail, as well as ont he forum, in the News channel:


Announcements of new features or other general information


Best Regards,

Ok, That’s great! Thanks!
