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I’m trying to do this petition to FIS service{instance_id}?LAYER=NDVI-INDEX&STYLE=INDEX&CRS=EPSG:4326&TIME=2020-04-01/2020-04-18&RESOLUTION=10&MAXCC=100&GEOMETRY=POLYGON((42.08985696040646 -1.076664062254 , 42.08908020529746 -1.076030704588746 , 42.08944872211567 -1.073486196228113 , 42.08827842977837 -1.067977433723025 , 42.09647823645694 -1.066892191071831 , 42.09667570560195 -1.06748714203039 , 42.09678264608 -1.068433426143738 , 42.09721723447621 -1.069271630069536 , 42.09736809923614 -1.069834689799757 , 42.09708490300881 -1.070980844635927 , 42.09678137221947 -1.0726909840333 , 42.09679173725243 -1.07335079565359 , 42.09645077809419 -1.074021116224241 , 42.09237247150098 -1.073361809357199 , 42.08985696040646 -1.076664062254))

And i get this response:

{‘C0’: 0{‘date’: ‘2020-04-18’, ‘basicStats’: {‘min’: 0.28280961513519287, ‘max’: 0.28280961513519287, ‘mean’: 0.28280961513519287, ‘stDev’: 0.0}}, {‘date’: ‘2020-04-13’, ‘basicStats’: {‘min’: 0.6107933521270752, ‘max’: 0.6107933521270752, ‘mean’: 0.6107933521270752, ‘stDev’: 0.0}}, {‘date’: ‘2020-04-10’, ‘basicStats’: {‘min’: 0.11254560947418213, ‘max’: 0.11254560947418213, ‘mean’: 0.11254560947418213, ‘stDev’: 0.0}}, {‘date’: ‘2020-04-08’, ‘basicStats’: {‘min’: 0.2668295204639435, ‘max’: 0.2668295204639435, ‘mean’: 0.2668295204639435, ‘stDev’: 0.0}}, {‘date’: ‘2020-04-05’, ‘basicStats’: {‘min’: 0.13228528201580048, ‘max’: 0.13228528201580048, ‘mean’: 0.13228528201580048, ‘stDev’: 0.0}}, {‘date’: ‘2020-04-03’, ‘basicStats’: {‘min’: 0.637384295463562, ‘max’: 0.637384295463562, ‘mean’: 0.637384295463562, ‘stDev’: 0.0}}]}

Min and max are same values and obviusly stDev is 0.

I think the problem can be POLYGON and his coordinates, i tested reverse coordinates but have the same response .


By default the RESOLUTION parameter is in same coordinates as the CRS of the polygon. In your case this is in EPSG:4326, so you define resolution as 10 degrees… Therefore you only have one pixel.

The appropriate way would be to recalculate 10m into EPSG:4326. There is also a workaround, to state RESOLUTION=10m, in which case we will do an approximate transform in the appropriate CRS.

Hi Grega,

Thanks for your reply.

I focus to RESOLUTION parameter and i add “m”, “RESOLUTION=10m” and it seems to be working.

I get this response:

{‘C0’: >{‘date’: ‘2020-04-18’, ‘basicStats’: {‘min’: 0.18202823400497437, ‘max’: 0.345388799905777, ‘mean’: 0.2727355060499028, ‘stDev’: 0.028888864825810056}}, {‘date’: ‘2020-04-13’, ‘basicStats’: {‘min’: 0.10545165091753006, ‘max’: 0.9263213872909546, ‘mean’: 0.6338133075245692, ‘stDev’: 0.20212858788095875}}, {‘date’: ‘2020-04-10’, ‘basicStats’: {‘min’: 0.061238937079906464, ‘max’: 0.1306626796722412, ‘mean’: 0.10193630531500197, ‘stDev’: 0.008704697686063046}}, {‘date’: ‘2020-04-08’, ‘basicStats’: {‘min’: 0.1773708611726761, ‘max’: 0.7948718070983887, ‘mean’: 0.358721855414306, ‘stDev’: 0.11937595767261318}}, {‘date’: ‘2020-04-05’, ‘basicStats’: {‘min’: 0.10329670459032059, ‘max’: 0.21686503291130066, ‘mean’: 0.14024704527267207, ‘stDev’: 0.01789705692340284}}, {‘date’: ‘2020-04-03’, ‘basicStats’: {‘min’: -0.06937394291162491, ‘max’: 0.9316167235374451, ‘mean’: 0.6839407761667832, ‘stDev’: 0.19267388430394836}}]}

