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I’m getting this error message when I tried to log in for the first time:

status 500
reason “Internal Server Error”
message “Duplicate key JwtClaimsDomainData(rolesAssignment=RolesAssignment(roleAssignmentGroupId=null), accountType=null)”

After getting it, I can’t access the log in popup again.

Any idea of what’s going on?

Thank you


Can you confirm that you are trying to login to EO Browser?

Do you get the same error if you clear the cache (or open a private tab)?


thanks for replying so quick.

yes, I’m trying to log in to EO Browser. Same result with cache cleared or in a private tab.


can you try again?
The problem should have been fixed.


I’ve been trying to login for the first time to the EO Browser and get the below message in a pop-up.

{“error”:{“status”:500,“reason”:“Internal Server Error”,“message”:“Duplicate key JwtClaimsDomainData(rolesAssignment=RolesAssignment(roleAssignmentGroupId=null, roleAssignments=null), accountType=null)”,“code”:“OAUTH_ERROR”}}

I’ve tried clearing the cache / other web browser etc…

Same issue as above by the sounds of things - but the thread did not conclude as to the actions taken. 

Thanks in advance!
