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I am using a GeoJSON file of the border of Berlin to clip a SENTINEL-2 L1C image. But when I try to download my image I get the Google Chrome error message:

This site can’t be reached. unexpectedly closed the connection.

However, if I draw a basic rectangle or less complex polygon, the download works well. So I assume it has something to do with the file format or the complexity of the polygon.

Does somebody know what I can do about that?

I suggest you simplify the geometry so that the geometry will not have more than a couple of hundreds of charachters.

It is related to maximum length of the URL issue.

Got it. Then I will clip it in QGIS or with osgeo. Thx

Hello there,

I am looking to download rasters from L1C for Chennai city limits. Used this kms (see image) so that I cover the entire city and avoid the effort in drawing out the polygon accurately. The download process takes much longer and often fails.

Pasted the error that was returned on my last effort.

Error retrieving additional data!

These are theme parts which contain unavailable data sources:

  • Landsat 8 USGS

  • Sentinel-1 AWS EW HH

  • Sentinel-1 AWS EW HH+HV

  • Sentinel-1 AWS IW VV

  • Sentinel-1 AWS IW VV+VH

  • Sentinel-2 L1C

  • Sentinel-2 L2A




The error shows you that these data sources are currently not available. This can be either a temporary issue, which usually goes away in a couple of minutes, or a problem in your network.

For large areas we recommend to use sentinelhub-py:
