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Extract raw bands value with given coordinates&time?

  • 26 April 2024
  • 2 replies

Hello, I have a massive list (~1million) of locations at given date and need to find matchup raw spectral bands of MODIS, MERIS, sentinel-3 OLCI sensors at the given date/location if available. some example locations below:

Name Lat Lon DateTime

MB05SBS311 50.63333 -96.95000 2016-06-02T14:00:00

MB05SBS126 50.51692 -96.83340 2016-06-03T14:00:00

MB05SBS317 50.44290 -96.70935 2016-06-03T14:00:00

MB05SBS347 50.63838 -96.98022 2016-06-03T14:00:00


I can do this task by downloading the imagery that covers the location/date, and then use ESA SNAP software, however, it is impossible with such a massive dataset and the download will take months or years, also I don’t have space to store that much image. I tried the CREODIAS platform, but it is very slow to access its eodata currently and don’t have access to MODIS data yet.

After reading around I feel there maybe luck with SentinelHub, I probably need to use the Statistical API, but I did not find some example to start with. I am familiar with python, so if I can setup a local environment to do that would be great.


2 replies

You are correct with the Statistical API option. If you already had a look at the provided examples, they may not be specific to your workflow, but they are a good starting point to start adjusting to fit your own workflow.

  • In this case you will need to construct Bounding Boxes from the coordinates, for example using a certain buffer size. Check this example of how to do this with geopandas.

  • Then you can start with this example to extract raw band values for a single band and single date. Also here are other examples in python . Remember to adjust the config to fit the data source i.e



depending on what output you need, it is possible to request the data using a data fusion request

MERIS data should be accessed over Sentinel Hub OGC API , see some references here and here

  • Taking into account that the coordinate list is quite massive, Batch statistical API would be the best option to use in the long run

Give it a try and let us know about your success, or any further questions

Thank you, I will take a look of the examples you provided first!
