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Est-il possible d’avoir des images de qualités pour identifier les démarrage de chantiers de construction à un adresse précise ?

Est il possible d’avoir un interlocuteur parlant français pour pour voir s’il y a une solution à notre demande ?


In our free web application EO Browser you can explore the available images (up to 10 m resolution provided by Sentinel-2). This would be enough to observe the presence or not of a large construction site (example before and after), but if your construction site is small, or you need to identify specific activities, you will indeed need higher-resolution imagery.

We currently offer data from the following commercial data providers:

Planet PlanetScope (4 bands, 3 m resolution)

Planet SkySat (5 bands, 0.5 resolution)

Airbus Pleiades (5 bands, 0.5 m – 2 m resolution)

Airbus SPOT (5 bands, 1.5 m – 6 m resolution

Maxar WorldView (5 bands, 0.5 m – 2 m resolution)

To access these high-resolution images, you would need one of our Sentinel Hub subscription packages (under the pricing plans). Besides the subscription, you would also need a commercial package of desired commercial data collection. Purchase is also done in the Sentinel Hub Dashboard under the billing tab (prices are available through the link once you have an account - even a trial one).

Please note, that asides from PlanetScope, you only get access to the archives through Sentinel Hub services. This could mean that there are no images available for your time / area of interest.

If you need tasked imagery or imagery on specific dates, please reach out to Planet sales, who will be able to help you : Contact | Planet.

Merci pour votre retour.

En effet notre besoin est uniquement les images en 0.5 sinon ce n’est pas assez lisible.

Sur Sentinel Hub, j’ai testé la recherche d’image mais je ne trouve pas les images en 0.5, comment peut-on avoir accès uniquement les images en 0.5 ?

Sur Sentinel Hub, on peut avoir accès aux images d’Airbus 0.5 et Planet 0.5 ?

Merci par vance

To search for high-resolution images in Sentinel Hub and assess if there are images meeting your needs, you need an account (also works with a trial account). You can then search for available data in EO Browser (see guide) or through the Requests Builder tool (see guide).

At this stage, you can only search for availability and get access to low-resolution previews. If you see that there are images suitable for your analysis, and would like to order the full products, you would then need a Sentinel Hub subscription. If you will use the images for non-commercial purposes, the Exploration package would suffice. For commercial use, you will need at least the Basic package.

Sur Sentinel Hub, on peut avoir accès aux images d’Airbus 0.5 et Planet 0.5 ?

Absolutely, but only access to the archives (images that were already acquired). You also get access to Planet’s Skysat archives.

If you don’t see any images that meet your needs, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Planet: they will be able to assist you in your search for data!

Hope this helps!

Je viens d’avoir un échange avec Marta de chez Planet qui m’explique que leur tarification d’image d’archive est de minimum 4500 €/an et avec une couverture sur tout le territoire français non régulière sauf sur Paris.

Et qu’en passant par vous la tarification sera équivalente, est ce le cas ?

Aujourd’hui nous travaillons en direct avec Airbus Pleiade pour avoir accès en streaming aux images en 0.5 cm, mais avec nos 125 recherches d’images par jour cela nous coûte environ 1500 €/mois.

Est ce que votre solution nous permettrait de retrouver ces même images et de faire des économies ?

Through Sentinel Hub’s platform, you have access to self-serve purchasing of SkySat data in small packages. You can access the pricing through your dashboard (as it is non-public information) at the following link to explore the options: dashboard - then under the tab “imagery”.

That being said, all PlanetScope and SkySat purchases can be used within Sentinel Hub: if you want to arrange a more tailored offer than what is available in the dashboard, we suggest you continue discussion with Planet sales representative, who can include Sentinel Hub subscription as well.
