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Hi SenHub-Team,

I tried the eoLearn-slovenia Land Cover Classification script.

I have a problem with download the patches. Once it download the data for slovenia. After that I get only error messages for slovenia and in this case my area:

2020-05-26 23:06:43,228 eolearn.core.eoworkflow DEBUG Computing SentinelHubInputTask(*(), **{‘bbox’: BBox(((515000.0, 5145000.0), (520000.0, 5150000.0)), crs=CRS(‘32633’)), ‘time_interval’: n‘2019-01-01’, ‘2019-12-31’]})

2020-05-26 23:06:43,250 root DEBUG EOWorkflow execution failed

Is there a ID problem?

Thanks in advance?

Problem is Solved! 🙂

Hello, Would you care to give more details on how you could fix the issue? I am facing exactly same issue, however, I am using different shape location.


The configuration’s of the instance ID and the oauth client id and secret was not correct set in the Python package sentinelhub.config:
“After you have prepared a configuration please put configuration’s instance ID into sentinelhub package’s configuration file following the configuration instructions. For Processing API request you also need to obtain and set your oauth client id and secret. More info here.”
Use the folowing comands:
• sentinelhub.config --sh_client_secret “…”
• sentinelhub.config --sh_client_id “…”
• sentinelhub.config --instance_id …
• sentinelhub.config --show

Also to latest script is important:


"cells": /
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"source": e
"# How To: Land-Use-Land-Cover Prediction for Slovenia\n",
"This notebook shows the steps towards constructing a machine learning pipeline for predicting the land use and land cover for the region of Republic of Slovenia. We will use satellite images obtained by ESA's Sentinel-2 to train a model and use it for prediction. The example will lead you through the whole process of creating the pipeline, with details provided at each step.\n",
"## Before you start\n",
"### Requirements\n",
"In order to run the example you'll need a Sentinel Hub account. If you do not have one yet, you can create a free trial account at Sentinel Hub webpage]( If you are a researcher you can even apply for a free non-commercial account at ESA OSEO page](\n",
"Once you have the account set up, please configure the `sentinelhub` package's configuration file following the oconfiguration instructions]( For Processing API request you need to obtain and set your `oauth` client id and secret. \n",
"### Overview\n",

This file has been truncated. show original


Best regards
