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I’ve been testing EO-Learn package by trying to execute the jupyter notebook example SI_LULC_pipeline.ipyng you have in GitHub. The problem occurs when python code reaches cell 16. The messages are:

At this point it seems that “disk_radius” argument defined in cell 14 is not understood by PointSamplingTask function.

I’ve tried to remove this argument in cell 14 and the execution continues reaching the end of the jupyter notebook, but the results are clearly anomalous.

Some ideas on solving this problem?

You’re welcome. Thanks for your help.

Dear @vicenc.pala,

the issue was isolated and is now waiting for a merge in this PR.

If you want to try/test it yourself, just look at the changes, it’s a really quick fix and has to do with automatic upcasting from int32 to int64 on Linux/Unix, but not on Windows. More info on the issue here.


Thanks a lot. I’ll keep waiting for an upgrade in the eolearn.features package to re-install it and try again the notebook execution.

how to modify this code to execute the following reference files :

Hi @laribisalma74

I believe you only need to update the values in the LULC enum class. This means setting appropriate classes which you would like to have, and assigning to them the proper strings, labels and color. You need to know what the LCCCode in your data is, and after that I would suggest you map all the different values to sorted integer values.

Hope this helps.


