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I have the following polygon (as a geojson file, which the forum does not allow to upload):


When I upload it to EO Browser, everything looks ok, I see the polygon and I get images. However, when I try to get statistical info (over NDVI) I get error 400:

But when I draw the polygon myself in the EO browser it seems to work fine and I am able to see the NDVI time series.

Why can’t I see the statistical info with my geojson file?


sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for notifying us about this.

I checked this and found that EO Browser unfortunately has an issue with requesting statistical info for the area of interest that is a multipolygon.

It works when drawing the polygon, because it creates a polygon.

I also tried uploading the file with a polygon and confirmed that it also works that way.

We will prepare a fix as soon as possible. The workaround in the mean time is to use polygon geometries for area of interest.



just want to notify you that this should be fixed now.

Please write if you still bump into some issues.


Now it is working, thank you
