I downloaded EOBrowser from github and am trying to execute it.
However, unlike on the web, this results in an error when trying to log in.
The error message is as follows:
Problem accessing /oauth/auth. Reason:
Request failed.
In addition, I tried to retrieve the data from Sentinel-2 without logging in to view the results.
But in the process of visualization, there was a 403 error and I couldn’t see the results.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (https://services.sentinel-hub.com/configuration/v1/wms/instances/5eb8de6d-6ba7-4154-8a7a-14f621155b80/layers)
There has been a problem with your fetch operation: Request failed with status code 403 (utils.js:241)
Because I thought the above problem was an authentication problem, I asked for instance information at the above address after receiving an access token using Postman, referring to OAuth2 document.
And in this case, we were able to get a normal response.(401 error occurred when trying to access the instance without a token.)
When running EOBrowser locally, where should I set up where token information is received and maintained?
In Github’s Readme file,
I couldn’t find a place to set up authentication-related information because it was only mentioned in ‘Use Sentinel username and password’.