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I downloaded EOBrowser from github and am trying to execute it.

However, unlike on the web, this results in an error when trying to log in.

The error message is as follows:


Problem accessing /oauth/auth. Reason:

Request failed.

In addition, I tried to retrieve the data from Sentinel-2 without logging in to view the results.

But in the process of visualization, there was a 403 error and I couldn’t see the results.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (

There has been a problem with your fetch operation: Request failed with status code 403 (utils.js:241)

Because I thought the above problem was an authentication problem, I asked for instance information at the above address after receiving an access token using Postman, referring to OAuth2 document.

And in this case, we were able to get a normal response.(401 error occurred when trying to access the instance without a token.)

When running EOBrowser locally, where should I set up where token information is received and maintained?

In Github’s Readme file,

I couldn’t find a place to set up authentication-related information because it was only mentioned in ‘Use Sentinel username and password’.

Hi, thanks for exhaustive and detailed report.

The version of EO Browser on Github is unfortunately not the latest one and has the deficient Readme.

We are planning on updating it to the latest version and with it the Readme should also be updated. It will be easier to make changes to the authentication.

Regarding the current version - the text below is a compilation of the answers gathered from the previous years and an explanation, what to change.

The assisted token method, providing an ability for non-authenticated access to your account, needs to be configured separately and is only available to our commercial customers, as mentioned in this answer.

In this Github issue it is mentioned that retrieving your own instances shouldn’t be a problem when you are logged in with your account.

The instance ids should be changed in src/store/config.js and in src/default_themes.json.

Unfortunately I didn’t have any luck with this.

Code that deals with authentication is in src/utils/auth.js and uses the environment variables defined in .env file (which is a copy of .env.example with the populated values). The variable that is used for autnehtication, is client id (REACT_APP_CLIENTID). The process of getting client id and client secret in described in Sentinel hub documentation.

I also tried changing the client id, I could log in, but haven’t had any luck with retrieving the data (client id and client secret created with Client grant type set to either Client Credentials or Implicit).

The next option is to use client id and client secret to get the token as described here.

Didn’t do that yet, but the changes would be done in src/utils/auth.js (and best to save the client id and client secret in .env file).

I got this far in the past few days but I didn’t want to put any more time into it since we will update the EO Browser code on Github soon. It became not-so-easy to do that because of all the improvements and updates on both EO Browser and Sentinel hub services. Hope it helps.

Greetings, Ziga
