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EO Browser-problem when executing the statistical info

  • 26 April 2024
  • 5 replies

Hello, I want to obtain the statistical info (chart) of one polygon in EO Browser but it doesn’t work, it says “Data Not Found” (see attached figure). The polygon is in blue in the right side of the image. Do you know why? Is there any limit of the size/shape of the polygon? The size of my polygon is 0.27ha.

Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks,

Chart_EO Browser|690x260

I’m sorry about the issue you are experiencing. This seems to be a problem on our side.

Until the issue is fixed, you can try using the NDVI script directly by pasting it into the custom script editor. You can access the editor by selecting Custom on the bottom of the layer list, and then clicking the icon on the top right to switch between the dragging bands and editing.

However, this will only provide the information about the mean of the data.

NDVI script:

function index(x, y) {
return (x - y) / (x + y);

const NGDR = index(B03, B04);
const bRatio = (B03 - 0.175) / (0.39 - 0.175);

const isCloud = bRatio > 1 || (bRatio > 0 && NGDR > 0);
const ndvi = index(B08, B04);
return isCloud ? ?ndvi, 1] : :ndvi, 0];


Thank you for your help, but what am I suppose to see once I execute the code you sent me? I can’t see anything, nor even an image (see attached image).


What is the matter with the polygon? Is it the shape of it? the size? It would be very helpful to know what happe in order to explain it to my collegues in case they find more exemples.

Any help will be much appreciated.


I am adding a video showcasing the procedure. Your area of interest likely doesn’t have data on the day you are requesting.


  1. Select the area of interest

  2. Search for the desired datasource (Sentinel-2 L1C)

  3. Select on of the results

  4. Enter the custom script into the editor

  5. Click “Refresh”

  6. Click the “Statistical Info” button

The problem is indeed caused by the polygon being too small, so EO Browser obtains incomplete data. However, the mistake is on our side, because we should still be able to display the data. We are working to fix that as soon as possible.

You are right. I didn’t have data on that day. I changed the date and it worked perfectly.

I would really appreciate if you can fix the problem with the small polygons, it would help us a lot.

Thank you for the video!

This issue was mostly fixed with the latest deploy.

There might still be problems getting FIS data for small geometries for Landsat 5, 7 and 8 ESA (EOCloud), and a fix for that will likely be deployed soon.
