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Hi, in EO-Browser there is a Landsat image on 2021-04-27 for the attached polygon.

See the below screenshot:
example_kml.kml (1.0 KB)

When I try to download it from either “request builder” or process API I get an empty TIFF (attached)
20210427_landsat-ot-l2.tiff (453 Bytes)

Why is that?

(this is not a one-time-thing, we have more such examples)



Thanks for reporting the issue, please can you provide the request and the evalscript you are using when trying to download the imagery using Process API.


url_request = ''

json_request = {'input': {'bounds': {'geometry': {'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': [[[475444.0879857147, 2552077.87975374], [475364.8099862737, 2552014.577881032], [475248.4095865676, 2552048.644604085], [475180.464231208, 2552149.2743102866], [475224.575514708, 2552252.9288301677], [475205.9388776846, 2552317.388137715], [475233.6062019761, 2552387.305886715], [475185.35893661634, 2552445.1721413825], [475167.67378467316, 2552403.798984403], [475134.69034434913, 2552401.6396994074], [475097.2736653896, 2552381.9969719704], [475067.71193818847, 2552404.9614584716], [475108.4024056141, 2552422.38463148], [475134.84278617427, 2552493.4112679143], [475094.21424608864, 2552513.073039028], [475121.7883395189, 2552588.4151447318], [475127.38986145495, 2552631.026050509], [475183.4951321102, 2552680.0845490135], [475195.62579055486, 2552707.297099164], [475245.11255570984, 2552718.1746545364], [475280.2098883398, 2552698.4117167867], [475290.05631850386, 2552644.926463672], [475279.0343046774, 2552606.7525265273], [475289.7498509778, 2552459.2799898186], [475317.1248144328, 2552414.400588488], [475320.2907909555, 2552346.7565611256], [475377.379267324, 2552308.359728775], [475432.25285113184, 2552230.778321068], [475486.02662764635, 2552231.7971887933], [475444.0879857147, 2552077.87975374]]]}, 'properties': {'crs': ''}}, 'data': [{'type': 'landsat-ot-l2', 'dataFilter': {'timeRange': {'from': '2021-04-27T00:00:00Z', 'to': '2021-04-28T00:00:00Z'}}}]}, 'output': {'resx': 30, 'resy': 30, 'responses': [{'identifier': 'default', 'format': {'type': 'image/tiff'}}]}, 'evalscript': '\n //VERSION=3\n function setup() {\n return {\n input: ["B01","B02","B03","B04","B05","B06","B07","B10","BQA"],\n output: \n {bands:9,sampleType: "UINT16"} \n }\n }\n\n function evaluatePixel(sample) {\n\n return [sample.B01*10000,sample.B02*10000,sample.B03*10000,sample.B04*10000,\n sample.B05*10000,sample.B06*10000,sample.B07*10000,sample.B10,sample.BQA];\n }\n '}

response = oauth.request("POST", url_request, headers=headers_request, json=json_request)

The same request and evalscript work fine with other dates.

Thanks for the information, it appears that there is an issue with B10 for Landsat 8 for this particular acquisition. We will look into fixing this, and will inform you when we have found a solution.

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