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I have something that puzzle me a lot.

I use the same custom script to generate images from the same position, one time with the SentinelHub playground, one other with the WMS API, and I do not get the same result.

The script is this one :


Author: Jean-Baptiste Pleynet

const config2 = {
default: {
nbPastYears: 3,
defaultOutputValue: -2,
ndviMinValue: -1,
currentIndexesMinValuesNumber: 1,
pastIndexesMinValuesNumber: 3
ndviAnomaly: {
pixelEvalMaxValue: 0.7
loss: {
lowerTriggerPremium: 0,
higherTriggerPremium: 1,
minimumAverageValuePremium: 0.1,
minimumPayoutPremium: 0

This file has been truncated. show original

When I use it in the playground, I have some images :,B03,B02&gain=1.0&gamma=1.0&atmFilter=&showDates=false&zoom=14&lat=10.10935&lng=78.44619&maxcc=100&time=2015-01-01|2019-06-30&preset=CUSTOM&temporal=true&

When I use it in an API call, I do not get the same result (black image) :,78.4056837282933,10.1498562717067,78.4866962717067&TIME=2019-06-30&

What am I doing wrong or different ?

Maybe one hint.

I have change “filterScenes” function by :

const filterScenes = (scenes, metadataInput, nbPastYears) => {

var tmpString = "Number of scenes : " + scenes.length + " | "

for(let i = 0 ; i < scenes.length ; i++) {

tmpString = tmpString + " | " + scenesei].date


throw new Error(tmpString)

return scenes.filter((scene) => ===

&& >= - nbPastYears)


It return 36 scenes, all in 2019.

How can I have access to older scenes ? The script need it to run.

The period of processing is defined with TIME parameter in the call.

TIME parameter should be constructed as “FROM/TO”. If you only pass one parameter, e.g. TIME=2019-06-30, we truncate it to “TO-6 months/TO”.

So to get older imagery you should use TIME=2018-01-01/2019-06-30

Great !

Just the time to find that “/” is “%2F”.

Thank you very much
