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Please help me find the difference between Enterprise Package and Reserved capacity package.

In short, Enterprise package is meant for application developers, who integrate Sentinel Hub in their user-facing apps. These end-user execute sporadic large volume uptake but overall the service is not used at “full capacity”.

Reserved capacity was designed for data scientists, who are able to fine-tune their workflow in a way to not exceed designed limits but when they are running their scripts, they use the service at its set limit for a while.

(note that these are just rationale for the offering, you can use them whoever you like, within the technical limits).

In practical terms:

  • Enterprise package (500/1000 EUR per month) has 10/20 processing units per second and 200.000/500.000 processing units per month, meaning 2.5/2 EUR per 1.000 processing units. The unspent processing units are not carried over the next month.

  • Reserved capacity (2.000/3.000 EUR per month) has 10/20 processing units per second and up to 5/10 million processing units per month, meaning 0.4/0.3 EUR per 1.000 processing units. The unspent processing units are carried over to the next month.

With Reserved capacity it is therefore possible to get significantly lower costs of processing, but you need to put a bit more effort into optimizing the access to Sentinel Hub system to exploit it properly.

Thank You for your replay.

But in my trial account after spent some Token it been automatically filled.

What is the limitation for trial account ?

What is the meaning of 10000 daily Token limit ?

How much processing unit can i download through in my trial account in a day?

First of all, trial account is meant for testing the service, not for any real use. E.g. no commercial activity is allowed with the trial account.

We have set the limits in a way to support testing in the most efficient level and we might change them in the future if we see people abusing them.

Therefore, if you are considering any actual processing, please subscribe to the service in order to be in line with terms and conditions.
