You will have to be a bit more specific on what you are looking for.
Perhaps related to this thread:
Yes I can understand that relying on Scihub daily to download that much data must not be easy every day. Thank you!
Ok, What I wanted to said is:
The information about the 30th of April has been available to download today (4th)
The same happened last week with the informatio of the 25th, It was available to download on 29th.
What I want to ask is if there are any reason for this delay.
As mentioned in the parallel thread, delays happen when there is an issue with downloading the data from the source.
There can be many reasons for that. E.g. if you check the Copernicus News, you will see “delay” mentioned occasionally:
It’s not often, but it happens.
Ok! I will be more patient… haha