DeflateError: libdeflate_zlib_decompress returned LIBDEFLATE_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE

Hi, my code was working without problem downloading all bands in my old computer, now that i switched to a new one i get this error whenever i try to download all bands:
DeflateError: libdeflate_zlib_decompress returned LIBDEFLATE_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE

There is no issue when i try to download a regular natural true color image

Python: 3.9.18
Sentinelhub: 3.9.1

Code example:

all_bands_script = ‘return [B01,B02,B03,B04,B05,B06,B07,B08,B8A,B09,B10,B1972,B12]’

config = SHConfig()

        config.instance_id = idcuarteles[c]

        wms_request = WmsRequest(layer='NATURAL-COLOR-TRUE-COLOR',

                                 custom_url_params={CustomUrlParam.EVALSCRIPT: all_bands_script},

                                 bbox=BBox(bbox=mybbox, crs=CRS.WGS84),








14 replies

Hi @Olisur ,

Could you please also share the full traceback? Thank you!

This is the full traceback

DeflateError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_14648\ in
308 data_collection=DataCollection.SENTINEL2_L1C)
→ 310 imagenes=wms_request.get_data()
312 fechas=wms_request.get_dates()

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sentinelhub\ in get_data(self, save_data, redownload, data_filter, max_threads, decode_data, raise_download_errors, show_progress)
107 “”"
108 self._preprocess_request(save_data, True)
→ 109 return self._execute_data_download(
110 data_filter,
111 redownload,

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sentinelhub\ in _execute_data_download(self, data_filter, redownload, max_threads, raise_download_errors, decode_data, show_progress)
181 redownload=redownload, raise_download_errors=raise_download_errors, config=self.config
182 )
→ 183 data_list =
184 filtered_download_list, max_threads=max_threads, decode_data=decode_data, show_progress=show_progress
185 )

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sentinelhub\download\ in download(self, *args, **kwargs)
60 self.lock = Lock()
61 try:
—> 62 return super().download(*args, **kwargs)
63 finally:
64 self.lock = None

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sentinelhub\download\ in download(self, download_requests, max_threads, decode_data, show_progress)
99 for future in as_completed(download_list):
100 try:
→ 101 results[future_order[future]] = future.result()
102 except DownloadFailedException as download_exception:
103 if self.raise_download_errors:

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\concurrent\ in result(self, timeout)
437 raise CancelledError()
438 elif self._state == FINISHED:
→ 439 return self.__get_result()
441 self._condition.wait(timeout)

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\concurrent\ in __get_result(self)
389 if self._exception:
390 try:
→ 391 raise self._exception
392 finally:
393 # Break a reference cycle with the exception in self._exception

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\concurrent\futures\ in run(self)
57 try:
—> 58 result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
59 except BaseException as exc:
60 self.future.set_exception(exc)

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sentinelhub\download\ in _single_download_decoded(self, request)
116 “”“Downloads a response and decodes it into data. By decoding a single response”“”
117 response = self._single_download(request)
→ 118 return None if response is None else response.decode()
120 def _single_download(self, request: DownloadRequest) → Optional[DownloadResponse]:

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sentinelhub\download\ in decode(self)
244 def decode(self) → Any:
245 “”“Decodes binary data into a Python object.”“”
→ 246 return decode_data(self.content, data_type=self.response_type)
248 def derive(self, **params: Any) → DownloadResponse:

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sentinelhub\ in decode_data(response_content, data_type)
36 return decode_tar(response_content)
37 if MimeType.is_image_format(data_type):
—> 38 return decode_image(response_content, data_type)
39 if data_type is MimeType.XML or data_type is MimeType.GML or data_type is MimeType.SAFE:
40 return ElementTree.fromstring(response_content)

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sentinelhub\ in decode_image(data, image_type)
61 bytes_data = BytesIO(data)
62 if image_type is MimeType.TIFF:
—> 63 image = tiff.imread(bytes_data)
64 elif image_type is MimeType.JP2:
65 image = decode_jp2_image(bytes_data)

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tifffile\ in imread(files, aszarr, **kwargs)
817 if aszarr:
818 return tif.aszarr(**kwargs)
→ 819 return tif.asarray(**kwargs)
821 with TiffSequence(files, **kwargs_seq) as imseq:

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tifffile\ in asarray(self, key, series, level, squeeze, out, maxworkers)
3228 )
3229 elif len(pages) == 1:
→ 3230 result = pages[0].asarray(out=out, maxworkers=maxworkers)
3231 else:
3232 result = stack_pages(pages, out=out, maxworkers=maxworkers)

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tifffile\ in asarray(self, out, squeeze, lock, maxworkers)
6496 # pass # corrupted files e.g. with too many strips
→ 6498 for _ in self.segments(
6499 func=func,
6500 lock=lock,

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tifffile\ in segments(self, lock, maxworkers, func, sort, _fullsize)
6362 flat=False,
6363 ):
→ 6364 yield from, segments)
6366 def asarray(self, out=None, squeeze=True, lock=None, maxworkers=None):

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\concurrent\ in result_iterator()
607 # Careful not to keep a reference to the popped future
608 if timeout is None:
→ 609 yield fs.pop().result()
610 else:
611 yield fs.pop().result(end_time - time.monotonic())

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\concurrent\ in result(self, timeout)
437 raise CancelledError()
438 elif self._state == FINISHED:
→ 439 return self.__get_result()
441 self._condition.wait(timeout)

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\concurrent\ in __get_result(self)
389 if self._exception:
390 try:
→ 391 raise self._exception
392 finally:
393 # Break a reference cycle with the exception in self._exception

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\concurrent\futures\ in run(self)
57 try:
—> 58 result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
59 except BaseException as exc:
60 self.future.set_exception(exc)

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tifffile\ in decode(args, decodeargs, keyframe, func)
6337 args, decodeargs=decodeargs, keyframe=keyframe, func=func
6338 ):
→ 6339 return func(keyframe.decode(*args, **decodeargs))
6341 if maxworkers is None or maxworkers < 1:

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tifffile\ in decode(data, segmentindex, jpegtables, _fullsize)
6295 # TODO: calculate correct size for packed integers
6296 size = shape[0] * shape[1] * shape[2] * shape[3]
→ 6297 data = decompress(data, out=size * dtype.itemsize)
6298 data = unpack(data)
6299 data = reshape(data, index, shape)

imagecodecs_deflate.pyx in imagecodecs._deflate.deflate_decode()

DeflateError: libdeflate_zlib_decompress returned LIBDEFLATE_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE

Could you help me check the version of tifffile in your environment?

How can i check the version?

You could activate your conda environment and try conda list

tifffile 2021.7.2 pyhd3eb1b0_2

Could you please try to upgrade it to 2023.3.21?

I upgraded it, but still getting the same error

DeflateError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_9076\ in
308 data_collection=DataCollection.SENTINEL2_L1C)
→ 310 imagenes=wms_request.get_data()
312 fechas=wms_request.get_dates()

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sentinelhub\ in get_data(self, save_data, redownload, data_filter, max_threads, decode_data, raise_download_errors, show_progress)
107 “”"
108 self._preprocess_request(save_data, True)
→ 109 return self._execute_data_download(
110 data_filter,
111 redownload,

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sentinelhub\ in _execute_data_download(self, data_filter, redownload, max_threads, raise_download_errors, decode_data, show_progress)
181 redownload=redownload, raise_download_errors=raise_download_errors, config=self.config
182 )
→ 183 data_list =
184 filtered_download_list, max_threads=max_threads, decode_data=decode_data, show_progress=show_progress
185 )

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sentinelhub\download\ in download(self, *args, **kwargs)
60 self.lock = Lock()
61 try:
—> 62 return super().download(*args, **kwargs)
63 finally:
64 self.lock = None

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sentinelhub\download\ in download(self, download_requests, max_threads, decode_data, show_progress)
99 for future in as_completed(download_list):
100 try:
→ 101 results[future_order[future]] = future.result()
102 except DownloadFailedException as download_exception:
103 if self.raise_download_errors:

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\concurrent\ in result(self, timeout)
437 raise CancelledError()
438 elif self._state == FINISHED:
→ 439 return self.__get_result()
441 self._condition.wait(timeout)

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\concurrent\ in __get_result(self)
389 if self._exception:
390 try:
→ 391 raise self._exception
392 finally:
393 # Break a reference cycle with the exception in self._exception

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\concurrent\futures\ in run(self)
57 try:
—> 58 result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
59 except BaseException as exc:
60 self.future.set_exception(exc)

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sentinelhub\download\ in _single_download_decoded(self, request)
116 “”“Downloads a response and decodes it into data. By decoding a single response”“”
117 response = self._single_download(request)
→ 118 return None if response is None else response.decode()
120 def _single_download(self, request: DownloadRequest) → Optional[DownloadResponse]:

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sentinelhub\download\ in decode(self)
244 def decode(self) → Any:
245 “”“Decodes binary data into a Python object.”“”
→ 246 return decode_data(self.content, data_type=self.response_type)
248 def derive(self, **params: Any) → DownloadResponse:

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sentinelhub\ in decode_data(response_content, data_type)
36 return decode_tar(response_content)
37 if MimeType.is_image_format(data_type):
—> 38 return decode_image(response_content, data_type)
39 if data_type is MimeType.XML or data_type is MimeType.GML or data_type is MimeType.SAFE:
40 return ElementTree.fromstring(response_content)

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\sentinelhub\ in decode_image(data, image_type)
61 bytes_data = BytesIO(data)
62 if image_type is MimeType.TIFF:
—> 63 image = tiff.imread(bytes_data)
64 elif image_type is MimeType.JP2:
65 image = decode_jp2_image(bytes_data)

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tifffile\ in imread(files, aszarr, key, series, level, squeeze, maxworkers, mode, name, offset, size, pattern, axesorder, categories, imread, sort, container, chunkshape, dtype, axestiled, ioworkers, chunkmode, fillvalue, zattrs, multiscales, omexml, out, out_inplace, _multifile, _useframes, **kwargs)
1075 multiscales=multiscales,
1076 )
→ 1077 return tif.asarray(
1078 key=key,
1079 series=series,

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tifffile\ in asarray(self, key, series, level, squeeze, out, maxworkers)
4235 if page0 is None:
4236 raise ValueError(‘page is None’)
→ 4237 result = page0.asarray(out=out, maxworkers=maxworkers)
4238 else:
4239 result = stack_pages(pages, out=out, maxworkers=maxworkers)

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tifffile\ in asarray(self, out, squeeze, lock, maxworkers)
8855 # pass # corrupted file, e.g., with too many strips
→ 8857 for _ in self.segments(
8858 func=func,
8859 lock=lock,

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tifffile\ in segments(self, lock, maxworkers, func, sort, _fullsize)
8669 flat=False,
8670 ):
→ 8671 yield from, segments)
8673 def asarray(

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\concurrent\ in result_iterator()
607 # Careful not to keep a reference to the popped future
608 if timeout is None:
→ 609 yield fs.pop().result()
610 else:
611 yield fs.pop().result(end_time - time.monotonic())

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\concurrent\ in result(self, timeout)
437 raise CancelledError()
438 elif self._state == FINISHED:
→ 439 return self.__get_result()
441 self._condition.wait(timeout)

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\concurrent\ in __get_result(self)
389 if self._exception:
390 try:
→ 391 raise self._exception
392 finally:
393 # Break a reference cycle with the exception in self._exception

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\concurrent\futures\ in run(self)
57 try:
—> 58 result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
59 except BaseException as exc:
60 self.future.set_exception(exc)

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tifffile\ in decode(args, decodeargs, decode)
8645 def decode(args, decodeargs=decodeargs, decode=keyframe.decode):
→ 8646 return func(decode(*args, **decodeargs)) # type: ignore
8648 if maxworkers is None or maxworkers < 1:

~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tifffile\ in decode_other(data, index, jpegtables, jpegheader, _fullsize)
8573 # TODO: calculate correct size for packed integers
8574 size = shape[0] * shape[1] * shape[2] * shape[3]
→ 8575 data = decompress(data, out=size * dtype.itemsize)
8576 data_array = unpack(data) # type: ignore
8577 # del data

imagecodecs_deflate.pyx in imagecodecs._deflate.deflate_decode()

DeflateError: libdeflate_zlib_decompress returned LIBDEFLATE_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE

Hi @Olisur ,

Could you please give it a try to download a RGB JPG or a single band TIFF?

wms_TRUECOLOR_request = WmsRequest(


    bbox=BBox(bbox=MYBBOX, crs=CRS.WGS84),







That request works without problem, the problem comes when i want to download multiple bands. I tried reducing it to 1 band with the same methodology used for 13 bands, and still it fails

Hi @Olisur ,

Are you using miniconda or Anaconda? Could you please provide the full list of the output of the conda list command?

Im using Anaconda

Name Version Build Channel

_anaconda_depends 2021.11 py39_0
abseil-cpp 20211102.0 hd77b12b_0
absl-py 2.0.0 pypi_0 pypi
aenum 3.1.15 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
aiohttp 3.8.5 py39h2bbff1b_0
aioitertools 0.7.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
aiosignal 1.2.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
alabaster 0.7.12 pyhd3eb1b0_0
anaconda-anon-usage 0.4.3 py39hfc23b7f_100
anaconda-catalogs 0.2.0 py39haa95532_0
anaconda-client 1.11.1 py39haa95532_0
anaconda-cloud-auth 0.1.4 py39haa95532_0
anaconda-navigator 2.5.0 py39haa95532_0
anaconda-project 0.11.1 py39haa95532_0
anyio 3.5.0 py39haa95532_0
appdirs 1.4.4 pyhd3eb1b0_0
argh 0.29.4 py39haa95532_0
argon2-cffi 21.3.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
argon2-cffi-bindings 21.2.0 py39h2bbff1b_0
arrow 1.2.3 py39haa95532_1
asn1crypto 1.5.1 py39haa95532_0
astroid 2.9.0 py39haa95532_0
astropy 5.3.4 py39h9128911_0
asttokens 2.0.5 pyhd3eb1b0_0
astunparse 1.6.3 pypi_0 pypi
async-timeout 4.0.2 py39haa95532_0
async_generator 1.10 pyhd3eb1b0_0
atomicwrites 1.4.0 py_0
attrs 23.1.0 py39haa95532_0
automat 20.2.0 py_0
autopep8 1.6.0 pyhd3eb1b0_1
aws-c-common 0.4.57 ha925a31_1
aws-c-event-stream 0.1.6 hd77b12b_5
aws-checksums 0.1.9 ha925a31_0
aws-sdk-cpp 1.8.185 hd77b12b_0
babel 2.11.0 py39haa95532_0
backcall 0.2.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
backports 1.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
backports.functools_lru_cache 1.6.4 pyhd3eb1b0_0
backports.shutil_get_terminal_size 1.0.0 pyhd3eb1b0_3
backports.tempfile 1.0 pyhd3eb1b0_1
backports.weakref 1.0.post1 py_1
bcrypt 3.2.0 py39h2bbff1b_1
beautifulsoup4 4.12.2 py39haa95532_0
binaryornot 0.4.4 pyhd3eb1b0_1
bitarray 2.5.1 py39h2bbff1b_0
bkcharts 0.2 py39haa95532_1
black 23.3.0 py39haa95532_0
blas 1.0 mkl
bleach 4.1.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
blinker 1.6.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
blosc 1.21.3 h6c2663c_0
bokeh 2.4.3 py39haa95532_0
boltons 23.0.0 py39haa95532_0
boost-cpp 1.73.0 h2bbff1b_12
boto 2.49.0 py39haa95532_0
boto3 1.26.76 py39haa95532_0
botocore 1.29.76 py39haa95532_0
bottleneck 1.3.5 py39h080aedc_0
brotli 1.0.9 h2bbff1b_7
brotli-bin 1.0.9 h2bbff1b_7
brotlipy 0.7.0 py39h2bbff1b_1003
bzip2 1.0.8 he774522_0
c-ares 1.19.0 h2bbff1b_0
c-blosc2 2.8.0 hd77b12b_0
ca-certificates 2023.08.22 haa95532_0
cached-property 1.5.2 py_0
cachetools 5.3.1 pypi_0 pypi
certifi 2023.7.22 py39haa95532_0
cffi 1.15.1 py39h2bbff1b_3
cfitsio 3.470 h2bbff1b_7
chardet 4.0.0 py39haa95532_1003
charls 2.2.0 h6c2663c_0
charset-normalizer 2.0.4 pyhd3eb1b0_0
click 8.0.4 py39haa95532_0
cloudpickle 2.2.1 py39haa95532_0
clyent 1.2.2 py39haa95532_1
colorama 0.4.6 py39haa95532_0
comtypes 1.1.14 py39haa95532_0
conda 23.9.0 py39haa95532_0
conda-build 3.27.0 py39haa95532_0
conda-content-trust 0.1.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
conda-index 0.3.0 py39haa95532_0
conda-libmamba-solver 23.7.0 py39haa95532_0
conda-pack 0.6.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
conda-package-handling 2.2.0 py39haa95532_0
conda-package-streaming 0.9.0 py39haa95532_0
conda-repo-cli 1.0.5 py39haa95532_0
conda-token 0.4.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
conda-verify 3.4.2 py_1
console_shortcut 0.1.1 4
contextlib2 21.6.0 py39haa95532_0
cookiecutter 1.7.3 pyhd3eb1b0_0
cryptography 39.0.1 py39h21b164f_0
cssselect 1.1.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
curl 8.1.1 he2ea4bf_2
cycler 0.11.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
cython 3.0.0 py39h2bbff1b_0
cytoolz 0.12.0 py39h2bbff1b_0
daal4py 2023.1.1 py39h757b272_0
dal 2023.1.1 h59b6b97_48681
dask 2022.2.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
dask-core 2022.2.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
dataclasses 0.8 pyh6d0b6a4_7
dataclasses-json 0.6.0 pypi_0 pypi
debugpy 1.6.7 py39hd77b12b_0
decorator 5.1.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
defusedxml 0.7.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
diff-match-patch 20200713 pyhd3eb1b0_0
distributed 2022.2.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
docutils 0.18.1 py39haa95532_3
editables 0.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
entrypoints 0.4 py39haa95532_0
et_xmlfile 1.1.0 py39haa95532_0
exceptiongroup 1.0.4 py39haa95532_0
executing 0.8.3 pyhd3eb1b0_0
fastcache 1.1.0 py39h196d8e1_0
filelock 3.9.0 py39haa95532_0
flake8 4.0.1 pyhd3eb1b0_1
flask 2.2.2 py39haa95532_0
flatbuffers 23.5.26 pypi_0 pypi
fmt 9.1.0 h6d14046_0
fonttools 4.25.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
freetype 2.12.1 ha860e81_0
frozenlist 1.3.3 py39h2bbff1b_0
fsspec 2023.9.2 py39haa95532_0
future 0.18.3 py39haa95532_0
gast 0.4.0 pypi_0 pypi
geos 3.8.0 h33f27b4_0
get_terminal_size 1.0.0 h38e98db_0
gevent 22.10.2 py39h2bbff1b_0
gflags 2.2.2 ha925a31_0
giflib 5.2.1 h8cc25b3_3
glib 2.69.1 h5dc1a3c_2
glob2 0.7 pyhd3eb1b0_0
glog 0.5.0 hd77b12b_0
google-auth 2.23.0 pypi_0 pypi
google-auth-oauthlib 1.0.0 pypi_0 pypi
google-pasta 0.2.0 pypi_0 pypi
greenlet 2.0.1 py39hd77b12b_0
grpcio 1.58.0 pypi_0 pypi
gst-plugins-base 1.18.5 h9e645db_0
gstreamer 1.18.5 hd78058f_0
h5py 3.7.0 py39h3de5c98_0
hatchling 1.18.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
hdf5 1.10.6 h1756f20_1
heapdict 1.0.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
html5lib 1.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
hyperlink 21.0.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
icc_rt 2022.1.0 h6049295_2
icu 58.2 ha925a31_3
idna 3.4 py39haa95532_0
imagecodecs 2021.8.26 py39h319e4f4_2
imageio 2.31.4 py39haa95532_0
imagesize 1.4.1 py39haa95532_0
importlib-metadata 6.0.0 py39haa95532_0
importlib_metadata 6.0.0 hd3eb1b0_0
incremental 21.3.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
inflection 0.5.1 py39haa95532_0
iniconfig 1.1.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
intake 0.6.2 pyhd3eb1b0_0
intel-openmp 2023.1.0 h59b6b97_46319
intervaltree 3.1.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
ipykernel 6.15.2 py39haa95532_0
ipython 7.31.1 py39haa95532_1
ipython_genutils 0.2.0 pyhd3eb1b0_1
ipywidgets 8.0.4 py39haa95532_0
isort 5.9.3 pyhd3eb1b0_0
itemadapter 0.3.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
itemloaders 1.0.4 pyhd3eb1b0_1
itsdangerous 2.0.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
jaraco.classes 3.2.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
jdcal 1.4.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
jedi 0.18.1 py39haa95532_1
jellyfish 1.0.1 py39h36a85e1_0
jinja2 3.1.2 py39haa95532_0
jinja2-time 0.2.0 pyhd3eb1b0_3
jmespath 0.10.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
joblib 1.2.0 py39haa95532_0
jpeg 9e h2bbff1b_1
jq 1.6 haa95532_1
json5 0.9.6 pyhd3eb1b0_0
jsonpatch 1.32 pyhd3eb1b0_0
jsonpointer 2.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
jsonschema 4.17.3 py39haa95532_0
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jupyter_console 6.6.3 py39haa95532_0
jupyter_core 5.3.0 py39haa95532_0
jupyter_server 1.4.1 py39haa95532_0
jupyterlab 3.3.2 pyhd3eb1b0_0
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jupyterlab_server 2.10.3 pyhd3eb1b0_1
jupyterlab_widgets 3.0.5 py39haa95532_0
jxrlib 1.1 he774522_2
keras 2.13.1 pypi_0 pypi
keyring 23.13.1 py39haa95532_0
kiwisolver 1.4.4 py39hd77b12b_0
krb5 1.19.4 h5b6d351_0
lazy-object-proxy 1.6.0 py39h2bbff1b_0
lcms2 2.12 h83e58a3_0
lerc 3.0 hd77b12b_0
libaec 1.0.4 h33f27b4_1
libarchive 3.6.2 h2033e3e_1
libboost 1.73.0 h6c2663c_12
libbrotlicommon 1.0.9 h2bbff1b_7
libbrotlidec 1.0.9 h2bbff1b_7
libbrotlienc 1.0.9 h2bbff1b_7
libclang 16.0.6 pypi_0 pypi
libclang13 14.0.6 default_h8e68704_1
libcurl 8.1.1 h86230a5_2
libdeflate 1.17 h2bbff1b_0
libevent 2.1.12 hcc03200_0
libffi 3.4.4 hd77b12b_0
libiconv 1.16 h2bbff1b_2
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libllvm14 14.0.6 h4157e71_3
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libmambapy 1.4.1 py39h214f63a_0
libogg 1.3.5 h2bbff1b_1
libpng 1.6.39 h8cc25b3_0
libprotobuf 3.20.3 h23ce68f_0
libsodium 1.0.18 h62dcd97_0
libsolv 0.7.22 h23ce68f_0
libspatialindex 1.9.3 h6c2663c_0
libssh2 1.10.0 hcd4344a_2
libthrift 0.15.0 he49ee6e_2
libtiff 4.5.0 h6c2663c_2
libvorbis 1.3.7 he774522_0
libwebp 1.2.4 hbc33d0d_1
libwebp-base 1.2.4 h2bbff1b_1
libxml2 2.10.3 h0ad7f3c_0
libxslt 1.1.37 h2bbff1b_0
libzopfli 1.0.3 ha925a31_0
llvmlite 0.41.0 py39hf2fb9eb_0
locket 1.0.0 py39haa95532_0
lxml 4.9.2 py39h2bbff1b_0
lz4-c 1.9.4 h2bbff1b_0
lzo 2.10 he774522_2
m2-msys2-runtime 3
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m2w64-gmp 6.1.0 2
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markupsafe 2.1.1 py39h2bbff1b_0
marshmallow 3.20.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
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matplotlib-base 3.5.3 py39hd77b12b_0
matplotlib-inline 0.1.6 py39haa95532_0
mccabe 0.7.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
menuinst 1.4.19 py39h59b6b97_0
mistune 0.8.4 py39h2bbff1b_1000
mkl 2023.1.0 h8bd8f75_46356
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mkl_fft 1.3.8 py39h2bbff1b_0
mkl_random 1.2.4 py39h59b6b97_0
mock 4.0.3 pyhd3eb1b0_0
more-itertools 8.12.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
mpmath 1.3.0 py39haa95532_0
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msys2-conda-epoch 20160418 1
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nest-asyncio 1.5.6 py39haa95532_0
networkx 3.1 py39haa95532_0
nltk 3.8.1 py39haa95532_0
nose 1.3.7 pyhd3eb1b0_1008
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numba 0.58.0 py39h4ed8f06_0
numexpr 2.8.7 py39h2cd9be0_0
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numpydoc 1.5.0 py39haa95532_0
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openssl 1.1.1w h2bbff1b_0
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packaging 23.1 py39haa95532_0
pandas 1.5.3 py39hf11a4ad_0
pandocfilters 1.5.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
paramiko 2.8.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
parsel 1.6.0 py39haa95532_0
parso 0.8.3 pyhd3eb1b0_0
partd 1.2.0 pyhd3eb1b0_1
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pathlib2 2.3.6 py39haa95532_2
pathspec 0.10.3 py39haa95532_0
patsy 0.5.3 py39haa95532_0
pcre 8.45 hd77b12b_0
pcre2 10.37 h0ff8eda_1
pep8 1.7.1 py39haa95532_1
pexpect 4.8.0 pyhd3eb1b0_3
pickleshare 0.7.5 pyhd3eb1b0_1003
pillow 9.4.0 py39hd77b12b_0
pip 23.3 py39haa95532_0
pkce 1.0.3 py39haa95532_0
pkginfo 1.9.6 py39haa95532_0
platformdirs 3.10.0 py39haa95532_0
pluggy 1.0.0 py39haa95532_1
ply 3.11 py39haa95532_0
pooch 1.4.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
powershell_shortcut 0.0.1 3
poyo 0.5.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
proj 8.2.1 h5ed7ab8_0
prometheus_client 0.14.1 py39haa95532_0
prompt-toolkit 3.0.36 py39haa95532_0
prompt_toolkit 3.0.36 hd3eb1b0_0
protego 0.1.16 py_0
protobuf 4.24.3 pypi_0 pypi
psutil 5.9.0 py39h2bbff1b_0
ptyprocess 0.7.0 pyhd3eb1b0_2
pulp 2.7.0 pypi_0 pypi
pure_eval 0.2.2 pyhd3eb1b0_0
py 1.11.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
py-cpuinfo 8.0.0 pyhd3eb1b0_1
py-lief 0.12.3 py39hd77b12b_0
pyasn1 0.4.8 pyhd3eb1b0_0
pyasn1-modules 0.2.8 py_0
pybind11-abi 4 hd3eb1b0_1
pycodestyle 2.8.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
pycosat 0.6.6 py39h2bbff1b_0
pycparser 2.21 pyhd3eb1b0_0
pycurl 7.45.2 py39hcd4344a_0
pydantic 1.10.12 py39h2bbff1b_1
pydocstyle 6.3.0 py39haa95532_0
pyerfa 2.0.0 py39h2bbff1b_0
pyflakes 2.4.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
pygments 2.15.1 py39haa95532_1
pyjwt 2.4.0 py39haa95532_0
pylint 2.12.2 py39haa95532_1
pyls-spyder 0.4.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
pynacl 1.5.0 py39h8cc25b3_0
pyodbc 4.0.39 py39hd77b12b_0
pyopenssl 23.2.0 py39haa95532_0
pyparsing 3.0.9 py39haa95532_0
pyproj 3.6.0 pypi_0 pypi
pyqt 5.15.7 py39hd77b12b_0
pyqt5-sip 12.11.0 py39hd77b12b_0
pyqtwebengine 5.15.7 py39hd77b12b_0
pyreadline 2.1 py39haa95532_1
pyrsistent 0.18.0 py39h196d8e1_0
pysocks 1.7.1 py39haa95532_0
pytables 3.8.0 py39ha4dc190_2
pytest 7.4.0 py39haa95532_0
python 3.9.18 h6244533_0
python-dateutil 2.8.2 pyhd3eb1b0_0
python-dotenv 0.21.0 py39haa95532_0
python-libarchive-c 2.9 pyhd3eb1b0_1
python-lsp-black 1.2.1 py39haa95532_0
python-lsp-jsonrpc 1.0.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
python-lsp-server 1.5.0 py39haa95532_0
python-slugify 5.0.2 pyhd3eb1b0_0
pytz 2023.3.post1 py39haa95532_0
pywavelets 1.4.1 py39h2bbff1b_0
pywin32 305 py39h2bbff1b_0
pywin32-ctypes 0.2.0 py39haa95532_1000
pywinpty 2.0.10 py39h5da7b33_0
pyyaml 6.0 py39h2bbff1b_1
pyzmq 23.2.0 py39hd77b12b_0
qdarkstyle 3.0.2 pyhd3eb1b0_0
qstylizer 0.1.10 pyhd3eb1b0_0
qt 5.15.7 haa95532_0
qt-main 5.15.2 he8e5bd7_8
qt-webengine 5.15.9 hb9a9bb5_5
qtawesome 1.2.2 py39haa95532_0
qtconsole 5.3.2 py39haa95532_0
qtpy 2.2.0 py39haa95532_0
qtwebkit 5.212 h2bbfb41_5
re2 2022.04.01 hd77b12b_0
regex 2023.10.3 py39h2bbff1b_0
reproc 14.2.4 hd77b12b_1
reproc-cpp 14.2.4 hd77b12b_1
requests 2.31.0 py39haa95532_0
requests-file 1.5.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
requests-oauthlib 1.3.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
rope 0.22.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
rsa 4.9 pypi_0 pypi
rtree 1.0.1 py39h2eaa2aa_0
ruamel.yaml 0.17.21 py39h2bbff1b_0
ruamel.yaml.clib 0.2.6 py39h2bbff1b_1
ruamel_yaml 0.17.21 py39h2bbff1b_0
s3transfer 0.6.0 py39haa95532_0
sacremoses 0.0.43 pyhd3eb1b0_0
scikit-image 0.19.3 py39hd77b12b_1
scikit-learn 1.3.0 py39h4ed8f06_0
scikit-learn-intelex 2023.1.1 py39haa95532_0
scipy 1.11.3 py39h309d312_0
seaborn 0.12.2 py39haa95532_0
semver 2.13.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
send2trash 1.8.0 pyhd3eb1b0_1
sentinelhub 3.9.1 pypi_0 pypi
service_identity 18.1.0 pyhd3eb1b0_1
setuptools 68.0.0 py39haa95532_0
shapely 2.0.1 py39hd7f5953_0
simplegeneric 0.8.1 py39haa95532_2
singledispatch 3.7.0 pyhd3eb1b0_1001
sip 6.6.2 py39hd77b12b_0
six 1.16.0 pyhd3eb1b0_1
snappy 1.1.9 h6c2663c_0
sniffio 1.2.0 py39haa95532_1
snowballstemmer 2.2.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
sortedcollections 2.1.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
sortedcontainers 2.4.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
soupsieve 2.5 py39haa95532_0
sphinx 5.0.2 py39haa95532_0
sphinxcontrib 1.0 py39haa95532_1
sphinxcontrib-applehelp 1.0.2 pyhd3eb1b0_0
sphinxcontrib-devhelp 1.0.2 pyhd3eb1b0_0
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 2.0.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
sphinxcontrib-jsmath 1.0.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
sphinxcontrib-qthelp 1.0.3 pyhd3eb1b0_0
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.5 pyhd3eb1b0_0
sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.2.4 py_0
spyder 5.3.3 py39haa95532_0
spyder-kernels 2.3.3 py39haa95532_0
sqlalchemy 2.0.21 py39h2bbff1b_0
sqlite 3.41.2 h2bbff1b_0
stack_data 0.2.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
statsmodels 0.14.0 py39h9128911_0
stringcase 1.2.0 py_0 conda-forge
sympy 1.11.1 py39haa95532_0
tbb 2021.8.0 h59b6b97_0
tbb4py 2021.8.0 py39h59b6b97_0
tblib 1.7.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
tensorboard 2.13.0 pypi_0 pypi
tensorboard-data-server 0.7.1 pypi_0 pypi
tensorflow 2.13.0 pypi_0 pypi
tensorflow-estimator 2.13.0 pypi_0 pypi
tensorflow-intel 2.13.0 pypi_0 pypi
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 0.31.0 pypi_0 pypi
termcolor 2.3.0 pypi_0 pypi
terminado 0.17.1 py39haa95532_0
testpath 0.6.0 py39haa95532_0
text-unidecode 1.3 pyhd3eb1b0_0
textdistance 4.2.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
threadpoolctl 2.2.0 pyh0d69192_0
three-merge 0.1.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
tifffile 2023.3.21 pypi_0 pypi
tinycss 0.4 pyhd3eb1b0_1002
tk 8.6.12 h2bbff1b_0
tldextract 3.2.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
toml 0.10.2 pyhd3eb1b0_0
tomli 2.0.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
tomli-w 1.0.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
toolz 0.12.0 py39haa95532_0
tornado 6.3.3 py39h2bbff1b_0
tqdm 4.65.0 py39hd4e2768_0
traitlets 5.7.1 py39haa95532_0
transformers 2.1.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
trove-classifiers 2023.8.7 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
typed-ast 1.4.3 py39h2bbff1b_1
typeform 1.1.0 pypi_0 pypi
typing-extensions 4.5.0 pypi_0 pypi
typing_extensions 4.7.1 py39haa95532_0
typing_inspect 0.9.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
tzdata 2023c h04d1e81_0
ujson 5.4.0 py39hd77b12b_0
unicodecsv 0.14.1 py39haa95532_0
unidecode 1.2.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
urllib3 1.26.16 py39haa95532_0
utf8proc 2.6.1 h2bbff1b_0
utm 0.7.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
vc 14.2 h21ff451_1
vs2015_runtime 14.27.29016 h5e58377_2
w3lib 1.21.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
watchdog 2.1.6 py39haa95532_0
wcwidth 0.2.5 pyhd3eb1b0_0
webencodings 0.5.1 py39haa95532_1
werkzeug 2.2.3 py39haa95532_0
whatthepatch 1.0.2 py39haa95532_0
wheel 0.41.2 py39haa95532_0
whichcraft 0.6.1 pyhd3eb1b0_0
widgetsnbextension 4.0.5 py39haa95532_0
win_inet_pton 1.1.0 py39haa95532_0
win_unicode_console 0.5 py39haa95532_0
wincertstore 0.2 py39haa95532_2
winpty 0.4.3 4
wrapt 1.13.3 py39h2bbff1b_2
xlrd 2.0.1 pyhd3eb1b0_1
xlsxwriter 3.1.2 pypi_0 pypi
xlwings 0.29.1 py39haa95532_0
xlwt 1.3.0 py39haa95532_0
xz 5.4.2 h8cc25b3_0
yaml 0.2.5 he774522_0
yaml-cpp 0.7.0 hd77b12b_1
yapf 0.31.0 pyhd3eb1b0_0
yarl 1.8.1 py39h2bbff1b_0
zeromq 4.3.4 hd77b12b_0
zfp 0.5.5 hd77b12b_6
zict 2.1.0 py39haa95532_0
zipp 3.11.0 py39haa95532_0
zlib 1.2.13 h8cc25b3_0
zlib-ng 2.0.7 h2bbff1b_0
zope 1.0 py39haa95532_1
zope.event 4.5.0 py39haa95532_0
zope.interface 5.4.0 py39h2bbff1b_0
zstandard 0.19.0 py39h2bbff1b_0
zstd 1.5.5 hd43e919_0

Hi @Olisur ,

I tried to reproduce your error with a conda environment, but it was not successful. I would suggest creating a new conda environment and install sentinelhub library, then give it a try.

Below is a list of packages installed in my conda environment and it works for me without any issue:

# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
aenum 3.1.15 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
aom 3.6.1 h63175ca_0 conda-forge
asttokens 2.4.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
backcall 0.2.0 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge
backports 1.0 pyhd8ed1ab_3 conda-forge
backports.functools_lru_cache 1.6.5 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
blinker 1.6.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
blosc 1.21.5 hdccc3a2_0 conda-forge
boto3 1.28.71 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
botocore 1.31.72 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
brotli 1.1.0 hcfcfb64_1 conda-forge
brotli-bin 1.1.0 hcfcfb64_1 conda-forge
brotli-python 1.1.0 py39h99910a6_1 conda-forge
bzip2 1.0.8 h8ffe710_4 conda-forge
c-blosc2 2.10.5 h183a6f4_0 conda-forge
ca-certificates 2023.7.22 h56e8100_0 conda-forge
certifi 2023.7.22 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
cffi 1.16.0 py39ha55989b_0 conda-forge
charls 2.4.2 h1537add_0 conda-forge
charset-normalizer 3.3.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
click 8.1.7 win_pyh7428d3b_0 conda-forge
colorama 0.4.6 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
comm 0.1.4 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
contourpy 1.1.1 py39h1f6ef14_1 conda-forge
cryptography 41.0.5 py39hb6bd5e6_0 conda-forge
cycler 0.12.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
dataclasses-json 0.5.7 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
dav1d 1.2.1 hcfcfb64_0 conda-forge
debugpy 1.8.0 py39h99910a6_1 conda-forge
decorator 5.1.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
editables 0.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
exceptiongroup 1.1.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
executing 1.2.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
fonttools 4.43.1 py39ha55989b_0 conda-forge
freetype 2.12.1 hdaf720e_2 conda-forge
geos 3.12.0 h1537add_0 conda-forge
gettext 0.21.1 h5728263_0 conda-forge
giflib 5.2.1 h64bf75a_3 conda-forge
glib 2.78.0 h12be248_0 conda-forge
glib-tools 2.78.0 h12be248_0 conda-forge
gst-plugins-base 1.22.6 h001b923_2 conda-forge
gstreamer 1.22.6 hb4038d2_2 conda-forge
hatchling 1.18.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
icu 73.2 h63175ca_0 conda-forge
idna 3.4 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
imagecodecs 2023.9.18 py39h445c58b_2 conda-forge
importlib-metadata 6.8.0 pyha770c72_0 conda-forge
importlib-resources 6.1.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
importlib_metadata 6.8.0 hd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
importlib_resources 6.1.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
intel-openmp 2023.2.0 h57928b3_50497 conda-forge
ipykernel 6.26.0 pyha63f2e9_0 conda-forge
ipython 8.16.1 pyh5737063_0 conda-forge
jedi 0.19.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
jmespath 1.0.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
jupyter_client 8.5.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
jupyter_core 5.4.0 py39hcbf5309_0 conda-forge
jxrlib 1.1 h8ffe710_2 conda-forge
kiwisolver 1.4.5 py39h1f6ef14_1 conda-forge
krb5 1.21.2 heb0366b_0 conda-forge
lcms2 2.15 h67d730c_3 conda-forge
lerc 4.0.0 h63175ca_0 conda-forge
libaec 1.1.2 h63175ca_1 conda-forge
libavif 1.0.1 hea6d26e_2 conda-forge
libblas 3.9.0 19_win64_mkl conda-forge
libbrotlicommon 1.1.0 hcfcfb64_1 conda-forge
libbrotlidec 1.1.0 hcfcfb64_1 conda-forge
libbrotlienc 1.1.0 hcfcfb64_1 conda-forge
libcblas 3.9.0 19_win64_mkl conda-forge
libclang 15.0.7 default_h77d9078_3 conda-forge
libclang13 15.0.7 default_h77d9078_3 conda-forge
libcurl 8.4.0 hd5e4a3a_0 conda-forge
libdeflate 1.19 hcfcfb64_0 conda-forge
libffi 3.4.2 h8ffe710_5 conda-forge
libglib 2.78.0 he8f3873_0 conda-forge
libhwloc 2.9.3 default_haede6df_1009 conda-forge
libiconv 1.17 h8ffe710_0 conda-forge
libjpeg-turbo 3.0.0 hcfcfb64_1 conda-forge
liblapack 3.9.0 19_win64_mkl conda-forge
libogg 1.3.4 h8ffe710_1 conda-forge
libpng 1.6.39 h19919ed_0 conda-forge
libsodium 1.0.18 h8d14728_1 conda-forge
libsqlite 3.43.2 hcfcfb64_0 conda-forge
libssh2 1.11.0 h7dfc565_0 conda-forge
libtiff 4.6.0 h6e2ebb7_2 conda-forge
libvorbis 1.3.7 h0e60522_0 conda-forge
libwebp-base 1.3.2 hcfcfb64_0 conda-forge
libxcb 1.15 hcd874cb_0 conda-forge
libxml2 2.11.5 hc3477c8_1 conda-forge
libzlib 1.2.13 hcfcfb64_5 conda-forge
libzopfli 1.0.3 h0e60522_0 conda-forge
lz4-c 1.9.4 hcfcfb64_0 conda-forge
m2w64-gcc-libgfortran 5.3.0 6 conda-forge
m2w64-gcc-libs 5.3.0 7 conda-forge
m2w64-gcc-libs-core 5.3.0 7 conda-forge
m2w64-gmp 6.1.0 2 conda-forge
m2w64-libwinpthread-git 2 conda-forge
marshmallow 3.20.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
marshmallow-enum 1.5.1 pyh9f0ad1d_3 conda-forge
matplotlib 3.8.0 py39hcbf5309_2 conda-forge
matplotlib-base 3.8.0 py39hf19769e_2 conda-forge
matplotlib-inline 0.1.6 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
mkl 2023.2.0 h6a75c08_50496 conda-forge
msys2-conda-epoch 20160418 1 conda-forge
munkres 1.1.4 pyh9f0ad1d_0 conda-forge
mypy_extensions 1.0.0 pyha770c72_0 conda-forge
nest-asyncio 1.5.8 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
numpy 1.26.0 py39hddb5d58_0 conda-forge
oauthlib 3.2.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
openjpeg 2.5.0 h3d672ee_3 conda-forge
openssl 3.1.4 hcfcfb64_0 conda-forge
packaging 23.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
parso 0.8.3 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
pathspec 0.11.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
pcre2 10.40 h17e33f8_0 conda-forge
pickleshare 0.7.5 py_1003 conda-forge
pillow 10.1.0 py39h368b509_0 conda-forge
pip 23.3.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
platformdirs 3.11.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
pluggy 1.3.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
ply 3.11 py_1 conda-forge
proj 9.3.0 he13c7e8_2 conda-forge
prompt-toolkit 3.0.39 pyha770c72_0 conda-forge
prompt_toolkit 3.0.39 hd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
psutil 5.9.5 py39ha55989b_1 conda-forge
pthread-stubs 0.4 hcd874cb_1001 conda-forge
pthreads-win32 2.9.1 hfa6e2cd_3 conda-forge
pure_eval 0.2.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
pycparser 2.21 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
pygments 2.16.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
pyjwt 2.8.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
pyparsing 3.1.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
pyproj 3.6.1 py39h9e31499_3 conda-forge
pyqt 5.15.9 py39hb77abff_5 conda-forge
pyqt5-sip 12.12.2 py39h99910a6_5 conda-forge
pysocks 1.7.1 pyh0701188_6 conda-forge
python 3.9.18 h4de0772_0_cpython conda-forge
python-dateutil 2.8.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
python_abi 3.9 4_cp39 conda-forge
pywin32 306 py39h99910a6_2 conda-forge
pyzmq 25.1.1 py39h7eaf5a6_2 conda-forge
qt-main 5.15.8 h9e85ed6_17 conda-forge
rav1e 0.6.6 h975169c_2 conda-forge
requests 2.31.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
requests-oauthlib 1.3.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
s3transfer 0.7.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
sentinelhub 3.9.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
setuptools 68.2.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
shapely 2.0.2 py39hacc7841_0 conda-forge
sip 6.7.12 py39h99910a6_0 conda-forge
six 1.16.0 pyh6c4a22f_0 conda-forge
snappy 1.1.10 hfb803bf_0 conda-forge
sqlite 3.43.2 hcfcfb64_0 conda-forge
stack_data 0.6.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
stringcase 1.2.0 py_0 conda-forge
svt-av1 1.7.0 h63175ca_0 conda-forge
tbb 2021.10.0 h91493d7_2 conda-forge
tifffile 2021.7.2 pyhd3eb1b0_2
tk 8.6.13 hcfcfb64_0 conda-forge
toml 0.10.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
tomli 2.0.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
tomli-w 1.0.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
tornado 6.3.3 py39ha55989b_1 conda-forge
tqdm 4.66.1 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
traitlets 5.12.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
trove-classifiers 2023.10.18 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
typing-extensions 4.8.0 hd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
typing_extensions 4.8.0 pyha770c72_0 conda-forge
typing_inspect 0.9.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
tzdata 2023c h71feb2d_0 conda-forge
ucrt 10.0.22621.0 h57928b3_0 conda-forge
unicodedata2 15.1.0 py39ha55989b_0 conda-forge
urllib3 1.26.18 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
utm 0.7.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
vc 14.3 h64f974e_17 conda-forge
vc14_runtime 14.36.32532 hdcecf7f_17 conda-forge
vs2015_runtime 14.36.32532 h05e6639_17 conda-forge
wcwidth 0.2.8 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
wheel 0.41.2 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
win_inet_pton 1.1.0 pyhd8ed1ab_6 conda-forge
xorg-libxau 1.0.11 hcd874cb_0 conda-forge
xorg-libxdmcp 1.1.3 hcd874cb_0 conda-forge
xz 5.2.6 h8d14728_0 conda-forge
zeromq 4.3.5 h63175ca_0 conda-forge
zfp 1.0.0 h63175ca_4 conda-forge
zipp 3.17.0 pyhd8ed1ab_0 conda-forge
zlib-ng 2.0.7 hcfcfb64_0 conda-forge
zstd 1.5.5 h12be248_0 conda-forge

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