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By default, when I open EO Browser, “no user configuration instance” is selected. Under this configuration I can select different layer. In particular, I am interested in NDVI layer. If I select NDVI layer under “Simply WMS instance”, the aspect is different from that layer under “no user configuration instance”. The second seems to have more resolution, different colors, image icon beside the name of the layer and a bar under the name showing the values corresponding to each color. Furthermore, in the “no user configuration instance” version, I can put a pin and get graphs of the NDVI values along the time. Why are they different? How could I replicate this layer? Is there any way to edit the default layers under “no user configuration instance” to see in depth how are they defined?

  • You will find various visualization options for NDVI here:

Sentinel-Hub custom scripts

Normalized difference vegetation index

A repository of custom scripts that can be used with Sentinel-Hub services.

(click Show script; there are various options commented at the bottom of the script).
  • The “more resolution” part is actually bicubic interpolation, which can be configured under “Advanced parameters” of the layer.

  • Legend matching colours/values is something that cannot be defined at this moment yet, but it is nearing finalization and should be available in a week or two.

  • To enable pin/graph functionality check this FAQ.


thanks for your reply. I was able to enable pin/graph following the FAQ as you suggested.

I configured bicubic interpolation for upscaling and downscaling, but unfortunatelly I can’t still see the layer when I press the + button to zoom>17, maximum zoom is 16 (in the default NDVI layer maximum zoom is 18) Why?


Thank you for bringing it to our attention! We have set the “overzoom” levels to be the same for default and user-configured layers, which means that maximum zoom for NDVI should be 18 in both cases now.

Kind regards,


Great to know that. You are right, now it works! Very good and fast answer, good job! Thank you very much!

Kind regards

What colourmap is used in the NDVI default layer? Colour levels looks different in my user-configured layer even if I use the white to green linear scale. In the default layer NDVI differences between zones are easier to identify, but in my NDVI layer most of the pixels in the map looks similar, in a darker green. See pictures above

My NDVI layer (uses ColorGradientVisualizer.createWhiteGreen):

Default NDVI layer (I don’t know what ColorGradientVisualizer is used):


EO Browser has the following configuration for NDVI layer:

var val = (B08-B04)/(B08+B04);

if (val<-1.1) return [0,0,0];

else if (val<-0.2) return [0.75,0.75,0.75];

else if (val<-0.1) return [0.86,0.86,0.86];

else if (val<0) return [1,1,0.88];

else if (val<0.025) return [1,0.98,0.8];

else if (val<0.05) return [0.93,0.91,0.71];

else if (val<0.075) return [0.87,0.85,0.61];

else if (val<0.1) return [0.8,0.78,0.51];

else if (val<0.125) return [0.74,0.72,0.42];

else if (val<0.15) return [0.69,0.76,0.38];

else if (val<0.175) return [0.64,0.8,0.35];

else if (val<0.2) return [0.57,0.75,0.32];

else if (val<0.25) return [0.5,0.7,0.28];

else if (val<0.3) return [0.44,0.64,0.25];

else if (val<0.35) return [0.38,0.59,0.21];

else if (val<0.4) return [0.31,0.54,0.18];

else if (val<0.45) return [0.25,0.49,0.14];

else if (val<0.5) return [0.19,0.43,0.11];

else if (val<0.55) return [0.13,0.38,0.07];

else if (val<0.6) return [0.06,0.33,0.04];

else return [0,0.27,0];

It is now possible to configure custom legends as described here:
