can you copy-paste the error you’ve got?
Here is the error
"error": {
"status": 400,
"reason": "Bad Request",
"message": "Band mismatch. Ordered [band 'Blue' (source = 'image', bandIndex = 1 and bitDepth = 16), band 'Green' (source = 'image', bandIndex = 2 and bitDepth = 16), band 'NIR' (source = 'image', bandIndex = 4 and bitDepth = 16), band 'Red' (source = 'image', bandIndex = 3 and bitDepth = 16), band 'UDM' (source = 'udm2', bandIndex = 8 and bitDepth =
, band 'UDM2_Clear' (source = 'udm2', bandIndex = 1 and bitDepth =
, band 'UDM2_Cloud' (source = 'udm2', bandIndex = 6 and bitDepth =
, band 'UDM2_Confidence' (source = 'udm2', bandIndex = 7 and bitDepth =
, band 'UDM2_HeavyHaze' (source = 'udm2', bandIndex = 5 and bitDepth =
, band 'UDM2_LightHaze' (source = 'udm2', bandIndex = 4 and bitDepth =
, band 'UDM2_Shadow' (source = 'udm2', bandIndex = 3 and bitDepth =
, band 'UDM2_Snow' (source = 'udm2', bandIndex = 2 and bitDepth = 8)] but collection contains [band 'B1' (source = 'B1', bandIndex = 1 and bitDepth = 16), band 'B2' (source = 'B2', bandIndex = 1 and bitDepth = 16), band 'B3' (source = 'B3', bandIndex = 1 and bitDepth = 16), band 'B4' (source = 'B4', bandIndex = 1 and bitDepth = 16), band 'UDM' (source = 'UDM', bandIndex = 1 and bitDepth = 8)]",
I believe this is due to you trying to order PSScene data in the same collection that is containing PSScene4Band scenes, which are technically not compatible.
You will certainly need to create a new collection.
We would kindly recommend you use Subscriptions instead of Orders - this way you can, with one single request, fill both the archive data and make sure that the data will be updated in the future as well. See:
For PlanetScope, subscriptions are available in addition to orders. Users can subscribe to get all data in a desired time-range for one specific parcel.
Will it impact previous purchase orders with the new collection?
Not sure what you mean by “purchase orders”.
Our suggestion is to create a new collection and order (technically, not sales-wise) new data for all AOIs - for past and the future. Then you can essentially delete the old collections, unless you have the need for them.
Your “Hectares under management” plan for Planet data gives you access to full archive of data for a set of AOIs that you are “managing this year”.
Thank you.
I meant, we have purchased a quota for a set of AOIs with item type “PSScene4Band” and migrating to “PSScene” with the new collection couldn’t affect the quota right?
Yes, you are right. Your purchased quota (AOIs) covers items of all types, so if you re-ingest with PSScene, there will be no cost associated to that.
Thank you so much, Grega!