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Hello Everyone,

I just got started with SentinelHub for AWS, I reproduced this Example to get Imagery.

After downloading & viewing the data with AwsTileRequest, I couldn’t figure out how to map individual pixel locations into their corresponding latitude/longitude coordinates.

I found this issue that got me close to the solution but still, because I don’t know how to use the information provided by the tileinfo file I got, I was stuck inspecting both pixel_to_utm & to_wgs84 functions. here is my tileinfo.json

{'path': 'tiles/32/N/KL/2018/9/22/0',
'timestamp': '2018-09-22T09:55:57.872Z',
'utmZone': 32,
'latitudeBand': 'N',
'gridSquare': 'KL',
'datastrip': {'id': 'S2B_OPER_MSI_L1C_DS_MPS__20180922T132925_S20180922T095557_N02.06',
'path': 'products/2018/9/22/S2B_MSIL1C_20180922T094029_N0206_R036_T32NKL_20180922T132925/datastrip/0'},
'tileGeometry': {'type': 'Polygon',
'crs': {'type': 'name',
'properties': {'name': 'urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:8.8.1:32632'}},
'coordinates': s':199980.0, 600000.0],
309780.0, 600000.0],
309780.0, 490200.0],
199980.0, 490200.0],
199980.0, 600000.0]]]},
'tileDataGeometry': {'type': 'Polygon',
'crs': {'type': 'name',
'properties': {'name': 'urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:8.8.1:32632'}},
'coordinates': s':295668.281581949, 599999.0],
309779.0, 599999.0],
309779.0, 490201.0],
271203.539834469, 490201.0],
272146.581699397, 494342.968678216],
275796.306324062, 510767.474513928],
279494.028261105, 527173.763528349],
286754.801581796, 560039.101647584],
295668.281581949, 599999.0]]]},
'tileOrigin': {'type': 'Point',
'crs': {'type': 'name',
'properties': {'name': 'urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:8.8.1:32632'}},
'coordinates': s199980.0, 600000.0]},
'dataCoveragePercentage': 23.98,
'cloudyPixelPercentage': 21.07,
'productName': 'S2B_MSIL1C_20180922T094029_N0206_R036_T32NKL_20180922T132925',
'productPath': 'products/2018/9/22/S2B_MSIL1C_20180922T094029_N0206_R036_T32NKL_20180922T132925'}

I need help concerning what piece of information I should use to get the UTM and then the coordinates.

Any Hint?

Thank you.

Just to clarify my end-goal, I just want to extract the area I’m originally interested in, and it’s specified by a rectangle (min_lat, max_lat, min_lon, max_lon).

If there is any resources on how to slice the big images we get from AWS, I would greatly appreciate it.

I suggest you check lambda tiler code:


GitHub - mapbox/sentinel-tiler: A serverless Sentinel-2 tiles server using...

A serverless Sentinel-2 tiles server using AWS Lambda - GitHub - mapbox/sentinel-tiler: A serverless Sentinel-2 tiles server using AWS Lambda

Or use Sentinel Hub API instead:

Sentinel Hub

Sentinel Hub is multi-spectral, temporal satellite imagery service for real-time processing of big remote sensing data.
