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I would like to compute vegetation indices like GCVI or EVI and wanted to see how I can adapt the script below (taken from Sentinel Hub Batch Statistical — Sentinel Hub 3.9.1 documentation):

ndvi_evalscript = """

function setup() {
return {
input: :
bands: :
output: :
id: "ndvi",
bands: 1
id: "dataMask",
bands: 1

function evaluatePixel(samples) {
return {
ndvi: :index(samples.B08, samples.B04)],
dataMask: :samples.dataMask]

What I am unclear about here is the ndvi: :index(samples.B08, samples.B04)], line, how is NDVI being calculated there? I thought there would be an explicit formula.

The formula for GCVI is:

(bandn‘b08’] / band/‘b03’]) - 1.


“Index” is actually a function that allow you to obtain the difference divided by the sum:

To obtain what you want, you just need to substitute that line with the formula you want (and also fix input and output. Like this:

indices_evalscript = """

function setup() {
return {
input: u{
output: {
id: "GCVI",
bands: 1
id: “dataMask”,
bands: 1

function evaluatePixel(sample) {
return {
GCVI: (samples.B08/samples.B03)-1],
dataMask: samples.dataMask]

I guess that this should work

indices_evalscript = """

function setup() {
return {
input: {
output: {
id: "GCVI",
bands: 1
id: “dataMask”,
bands: 1

function evaluatePixel(sample) {
return {
GCVI: (samples.B08/samples.B03)-1],
dataMask: samples.dataMask]

Thanks! I tried it but getting the following error:
sentinelhub.exceptions.DownloadFailedException: Failed to download from: with HTTPError: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: Server response: "{"status": 400, "reason": "Bad Request", "message": "Failed to evaluate script!\nevalscript.js:7: SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token\n

Any idea about what might be going wrong?

There is a missing “s” in “function evaluatePixel(sample)”

try to substitute with

“function evaluatePixel(samples)”

That worked. Also, I had to change the quotes around dataMask to match those around GCVI. Thank you!
