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Hi! By executing the WcsRequest one gets the *.tiff files, which are compressed by the Deflate method. Those files unfortunately can not be opened by the standard remote sensing software ENVI+IDL and Erdas Imagine (however they can be successfully opened by ArcGIS).

Would it be possible to add new Custum URL Parameter (e.g. .COMPRESSION) where one could set the type of compression (the common types to be e.g. NONE, DEFLATE, LZW)?

Hi Peter!

We were testing the various compressions, and made a decision to use Deflate as a default one, based on the results of speed vs compression ratio. At this moment, the selection of compression algorithm is not exposed to the user, and I cannot say if this will happen, or when.

I believe that libtiff does support deflate, and gdal does for sure.

Matej, thnx for now!
